Message From the Dean

Over the past few years, an increasing amount of data has been published on the high incidence of burnout in medical students, residents and practicing physicians. The AMAAAMC, and ACGME have sharpened their focus on the importance of wellbeing and the hazards of burnout on our learning environment and our care of patients.

After several members of our leadership team returned from the CENTILE Conference, we had a refined understanding of the compelling need to develop effective tools for our students, residents, faculty and staff in order to mitigate stress, depersonalization, loss of empathy, and to prevent burnout.  Along with schools such as Vanderbilt, Georgetown, Stanford, Mayo and Cincinnati, we are committed to addressing this issue.

The School of Medicine has implemented an initiative called “Being Well” which will include resources and programs to promote health, resiliency and compassion. I encourage our students, residents, staff and faculty to take advantage of the offerings provided through this program and to engage with me in supporting the physical and emotional needs of our School community.