SGSA Officer Descriptions

Sociology Graduate Student Association
Officer Roles and Responsibilities

The Sociology Graduate Student Association [SGSA] President is the primary contact person for SGSA. This position is responsible for planning and facilitating monthly SGSA meetings. Coordinates the planning of SGSA professional development and service initiatives. Collaborates with other officers to ensure that relevant information is being disseminated to our graduate students. Ensures that SGSA is in good standing with funding entities.  

Vice President
The Vice President [VP] of SGSA works in tandem with the SGSA president to ensure that executive officer tasks are completed. In addition, the VP plans and facilitates SGSA social events. If SGSA representatives are unable to attend their respective meetings [e.g. Faculty Meetings, GSC, GNAS] the SGSA VP will serve as a proxy [if able].

The SGSA Secretary attends all SGSA meetings and takes minutes at these meetings. Afterwards the SGSA secretary distributes notes to our graduate students via email. The SGSA secretary will post relevant announcements on the SGSA Facebook page.

The SGSA Treasurer works in tandem with the SGSA president, the Faculty Meeting Representative, the GSC Representative, and the GNAS Representative to ensure that the SGSA is in good standing with funding entities. They also work to send out regular emails to graduate students communicating deadlines for travel, research, and other funding opportunities. If the SGSA plans social or professional development events that cost money. The treasurer works through financial details and keeps track of necessary documentation as detailed by the department head.

Faculty Meeting Representative
The Faculty Meeting Representative attends monthly faculty meetings. Where permitted, they voice the concerns of the SGSA and sociology graduate students more broadly. The faculty meeting representative will also take notes and report back to the SGSA at monthly meetings.

Graduate Student Council Representative
The Graduate Student Council [GSC] Representative attends monthly GSC meetings. Where permitted, they voice the concerns of the SGSA and sociology graduate students more broadly. The GSC representative will also take notes and report back to the SGSA at monthly meetings. After each monthly GSC meeting the GSC Representative should forward any relevant information to our graduate students.

Graduate Network of Arts and Sciences Representative
The Graduate Network of Arts and Sciences [GNAS] Representative attends monthly GNAS meetings. Where permitted, they voice the concerns of the SGSA and sociology graduate students more broadly. The GNAS representative will also take notes and report back to the GNAS at monthly meetings. After each monthly GNAS meeting the GNAS Representative should forward any relevant information to our graduate students.