

Advance health equity, racial equity, and their drivers for structurally marginalized populations through research, entrepreneurship and innovation, talent development, and community engagement.


The impact of health inequities disproportionately fall on historically marginalized communities, who are only rarely engaged meaningfully in crafting or benefiting from solutions. These inequities result in poorer health outcomes for those affected and a lower quality of life. Louisville has an opportunity to be a city of inclusive growth and innovation in health equity by weaving together the full resources of the University of Louisville, one of just 79 Carnegie Community-Engaged, Research 1 universities in the U.S.; the workforce, data and innovation capacity of Humana, a Fortune 50 health company born and raised in Louisville; and a network of community and corporate partners. Working shoulder-to-shoulder with each other, and with the community, these partners will drive research, innovation and entrepreneurship that addresses these important issues. 

Hub Goals

Our aims and approach are multi-fold, encompassing: 

  • Maintain a robust, integrated infrastructure for interdisciplinary, community-engaged research, training, innovation, and entrepreneurship to address health equity issues.
  •  Build community and organizational capacity to equitably engage structurally marginalized communities in health equity problem identification, solution development and testing, and entrepreneurship.
  •  Support the success of start-ups at various stages developing scalable solutions to health equity issues.
  •  Build a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship within the university with a particular focus on social and health equity.
  • Build a diverse regional talent pipeline that supports a digitally competent workforce, with emphasis on the health sector and entrepreneurial ecosystem
  •  Support development of cutting-edge, interdisciplinary, applied community-engaged research leading to scalable solutions to health equity issues.

Our Work