The online MSCE is a 30 credit hour (10 course) program with course options that allow you to pursue your interests in areas like management, communications and geography. The program is 100% online. Courses are delivered asynchronously, in standard term length.
IE 560 Probability & Statistics for Engineers
Engineering applications using probability , random variables, distribution functions, confidence intervals, estimation and hypothesis testing.
IE 561 Developing Decision Support Systems with Excel
This course teaches the fundamentals of computer programming using Excel's macro language, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), as the language of instruction. The course starts by teaching students to simplify and extend code generated by Excels macro recorder and then builds on that base toward developing applications that analyze information and enhance decision making. This course also provides an introduction to the concepts and methods of Decision Science, which involves the application of mathematical modeling and analysis to management problems. It also provides a foundation for modeling with VBA in Excel.
IE 600 Additive Manufacturing Processes
This course introduces students to additive manufacturing, also known as rapid prototyping or 3D printing, processes. An overview of all additive manufacturing processes is provided. Projects are used to develop in-depth knowledge in key applications of additive manufacturing. Design project gives students an opportunity to apply their knowledge to the design and/or re-design of a component. Students cannot receive credit for both IE 600 and IE 400.
IE 619 Advanced Manufacturing Systems
This course focuses on providing a more comprehensive exposure of science, engineering and practice associated with the modern manufacturing engineering. A broad range of topics, including manufacturing engineering, industrial automation, design for manufacturing, product concept design and prototyping, industrial sensing, internet of things, data analytics, statistics and additive manufacturing. This course does not attempt to establish a rigorous theoretical knowledge base for all the covered topic areas, but instead focuses on establishing the connections among the different topic areas for real-world application scenarios. The course utilizes project-based learning as the primary tool for knowledge learning and hands-on practice. Throughout the course, 5-6 labs/projects are anticipated, all requiring team works and structured reporting. Assignments such as individual homework will be employed as additional learning tools for necessary knowledge for solving manufacturing problems.
IE 621 Facility Location and Layout
Design and layout of industrial facilities, facility location, space requirements, flow charts, relationship diagrams, material handling, quantitative layout techniques, production line balancing, and computer programs for layout planning.
IE 625 Production and Inventory Control
Topics include the context of inventory management and production planning decisions, economic order quantities, heuristics and models for probabilistic and time-varying demand patterns, coordinated replenishment systems, and aggregate planning.
IE 629 Quality Control
Previous course preparation in the areas of engineering statistics is required and approved by instructor. Developing an effective total quality control (TQC) system: integrating the quality development, maintenance, and improvement efforts of an organization; control charts, process capability, value engineering, product liability prevention, and computer control.
Note: Students cannot receive credit for both IE 629 and IE 430.
IE 645 Simulation
The use of discrete event simulation to analyze systems. Topics include Monte Carlo techniques, sampling from and identifying stochastic distributions, estimating performance measures from simulation outputs, validation methods, and SIMIO simulation language.
IE 646 Operations Research Methods
Formulation and solution of basic models in operations research. Topics to be covered include applications of linear, integer and nonlinear programming; transportation and assignment problems, and network flows models.
IE 655 Supply Chain Engineering
This course is designed to offer a balanced coverage on concept survey, analytics and modeling for operations and engineering in supply chain and logistics systems. Emphasis will be on analysis of strategic, tactical and operational supply chain problems including inventory decisions, revenue operations & modeling, distribution & network design, supply contracts and coordination among supply chain partners. Other related topics to be covered include various critical concepts and strategies such as risk pooling, information sharing, and the role of information systems in supply chain engineering.
IE 657 Models for Design and Analysis of Logistical Systems
This modeling oriented course for the design, analysis and operation of logistical systems includes topics such as inventory control, transportation, distribution network design, and supply chain management. Both deterministic as well as stochastic models are studied.
IE 662 Predictive Analytics for Decision Making I
Prerequisite: IE 560 (Probability and Statistics) or similar course. This course will prepare students with various predictive analytics methods for manufacturing, healthcare, etc., which will be illustrated in examples. Different data types from real-world examples will be shown. Subsequently, it will be demonstrated how the predictive analytics methods can be used for better decision making. The methods will be implemented in non-programming based standard software such as Matlab, Excel, and Minitab.
IE 664 Experimental Design
Design of engineering experiments and projects using theory of least squares, analysis of variance, randomized blocks, factorial experiments, nested designs, split plot designs and logistic regression techniques. Covers a combination of analysis by hand and using Minitab statistical software.
Note: Cross-listed with CSE 563. Students may not obtain credit for both IE 563 and ME 611; or for IE 664 and EM 661.
IE 669 Introduction to Human Factors Engineering and Ergonomics
The main goal of this course is to introduce students to the study of human cognitive and physical abilities and limitations, and application of that knowledge to engineering design. This course will demonstrate how the application of the human factors and ergonomics principles can improve the design of systems involving the interaction of humans with tools, technology, and the work environment.
IE 671 Advanced Topics in Human Factors Engineering
The main goal of this course is to learn and apply advanced methods in human factors engineering, as well as newer models, theories, and frameworks related to the field.
IE 675 Usability Engineering
This course exposes students to the constructs of usability, usefulness, user-centered design, and user-experience (UX) and their relation to engineering design. The course covers an interactive evaluation-centered user experience (UX) lifecycle as a template intended to be instantiated in many different ways to match the constraints of a particular development project. The UX lifecycle, sketching, conceptual design, and formative UX evaluation.
IE 682 Quality of Care and Patient Safety
This course provides students an overview of the healthcare system and the different types of healthcare delivery, as well as factors that determine quality of care. This course also exposes students to tenets of patient safety from a human factors engineering perspective. Students will learn models of patient safety and incident analysis tools, including Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and Healthcare Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (HFMEA).
IE 684 Health IT and Clinician Support
This course provides students an overview of various types of health information technology (IT) systems, as well as strategies, methods, and tools used to support the work and health of clinicians. This course also exposes students to applied tools and guidelines of the design and evaluation of health IT systems. Students will learn to use software to prototype high-fidelity, interactive user interfaces, and to conduct human factors evaluation on health IT systems based on the FDA guidelines. Documentation of such design and evaluation process will also be practiced with the semester project.