The online Bachelor’s of Science in Organizational Leadership and Learning from UofL is a 120 credit hour program. Courses are delivered asynchronously in 8-week terms. General Education requirements (Cardinal Core) may be delivered in 8-week or standard term lengths. See below for curriculum components:
The Cardinal Core program at the University of Louisville prepares students to do the advanced work needed for their baccalaureate degrees and prepares them to contribute to society throughout their lives through their professional work and civic engagement. The program emphasizes the development of key intellectual skills relevant to any career path: critical thinking, quantitative reasoning, effective communication, and the understanding of historical, social, and cultural diversity. Learn more here .
ECPY 304 Mental Health and the Helping Professions
This course is an introduction into the different fields found within the broad area of mental health counseling. We will also cover the different ways of approaching counseling, including systemic, environmental, and cultural components of the professions, health inequities, basic mental health concerns found in the U.S. and abroad, job opportunities, and the relationship of mental and physical health.
ECPY 319 Theories of Counseling
This course introduces the major theoretical approaches to counseling, including the similarities and differences among them. Key elements and concepts associated with each theoretical approach and their application to actual counseling/psychotherapy situations will be presented. Empirical evidence supporting each approach, and multicultural considerations of each approach will be offered. By the end of the course each student will have a general understanding of how they may begin approaching clients.
ECPY 363 Culture, Social Justice, and Advocacy
This course offers an introduction into the intersection of culture, social justice, advocacy, and counseling. It will also provide an overview of a global understanding of the mental-health needs of culturally diverse populations, broadly defined. It will present cultural contexts in which counseling occurs in different fields, different perspectives of cultural counseling, and the influence of identities within counseling.
ECPY 412 Stress, Coping and Resilience
This course provides a research-experiential approach to understanding stress and its effects on the human body and behavior. We will discuss the concept of stress from various theoretical and practice-based perspectives and the various ways people cope with stress. We will focus on theories and practice-based coping mechanisms in helping people to reduce and manage their stress.
ECPY 422 Emotional Intelligence
This course will examine the role and power that emotions play in our everyday lives. Explore theories of emotional development and brain development as it pertains to emotional regulation and the impact of cultural influences on the acceptance/expression of emotions.
ECPY 507 Learning Theory and Human Growth and Development
This course focuses on basic principles of learning theory and human development. Included are the major theories of learning including behaviorism, cognitive, and cultural historical activity theory along with physical, social, cognitive, emotional, language, and cultural development as they apply to children and youth including those with special needs.
EDSP 540 Introduction to Exceptional Children
A survey course designed to acquaint students with all types of exceptional children - physically and mentally handicapped, socially and emotionally disturbed, and the gifted; methods of adapting education to meet the needs of these children
EDTP 420 Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum
This course focuses on the processes, products, and values of literacy in various areas of the curriculum. This course also explores and applies literature of all forms in service to the various disciplines and societal roles.
EDSP 427 Inquiry into Early Childhood Education and Child Development
Examination of physical, cognitive, language, affective and social development of typically and atypically developing children from conception to age five, with implications for early childhood education.
EDSP 435 Administration and Consultation in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education
This course will explore the responsibilities of the day care or early childhood program director and the early childhood consultant.
EDSP 438 Emergent Curriculum
Research-based approaches to planning and implementing developmentally appropriate standards-based classroom activities, lessons, and materials for young children birth through age five focused on each child's individual needs.
EDSP 439 Guidance for Young Children
Addresses the research-based knowledge and skills related to child growth and development that assist young children to develop positive pro-social relationships and for early childhood professionals to understand positive guidance principles and practice for young children's challenging behaviors.
LEAD 220 Data Analytics in Organizations
This course focuses to develop the knowledge, skill, and ability to manage, analyze, and present data needed to understand human dynamics in the organizational environment.
LEAD 256 Technology in our World Today Level 1 - SB
This course prepares students to analyze the role of leadership in organizational technology initiatives by achieving micro-credentials and technology trophies/badges/certificates from various vendors such as: Microsoft, IBM, and Google, etc. This course is taught at the introductory level.
LEAD 257 Technology Industry Badges II
This course prepares students to achieve micro-credentials and badges from Microsoft, IBM, and Google. It is intended for those seeking to enhance work ready skills using technology products and services. This course is taught at an advanced level
LEAD 290 Occupational Courses
Vocational and occupational credit from accredited institutions such as universities, community colleges, and private and public schools accredited by agencies recognized by the National Commission on Accrediting.
LEAD 291 Occupational Learning
Credit may be earned by documenting learning from experience in a teachable occupation or family of occupations.
LEAD 300 Prior Learning Assessment (Portfolio Class)
Introduces students to the process/product of documentation of workplace learning and assessment of their mastery of the program standards. Must be taken within the first year. Up to 48 credit hours may be awarded for documented workplace learning.
LEAD 311 Needs Assessment
This course addresses occupationally specific training and organizational needs. Students develop a proposal to conduct a needs assessment and a customized data collection instrument.
LEAD 301 Individual Strategies for Success
Introduces students to key university and program resources. Students will also assess their personal learning style in relationship to the competencies needed for success in this program.
LEAD 312 Designing Learning
This course, which must be taken within the first two semesters, teaches the student to develop curriculum relevant to specific job requirements in occupations. It includes tasks analysis, measurable performance objectives, lesson designs, and course material development.
LEAD 314 Diversity in the Workplace
Examine various aspects of diversity and inclusion from a societal perspective, and within the workplace environment. Various human resource management principles will be discussed, and this course will also review, analyze, and ascertain themes of diversity including but not limited to: race, ethnicity, culture, socio-economic status, world view, the LGBTQ community, persons with disabilities, socio-cultural factors, legal perspectives, and more.
LEAD 316 Instructional Strategies and Group Facilitation Techniques
This course addresses instructional design strategies and group facilitation techniques for workplace and educational based initiatives. Students deliver critiqued lessons to communicate knowledge and skills needed for successful workforce advancement.
LEAD 324 - Antiracism: A Fundamental to a New System
The purpose of this course is to establish a foundation and system centered on antiracism. Students will explore the history of systemic problems that have been rooted in racism and bigotry. Additionally, students will be challenged to incorporate an antiracist agenda in both their personal and professional lives.
LEAD 332 Measuring and Evaluating Effectiveness
This course focuses on theories and procedures involved in assessing the effectiveness of instructional programs and learning in the cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains.
LEAD 341 Managing Projects in the Workplace
This course focuses on the overview of techniques used in managing work projects.
LEAD 390 Advanced Occupational Courses
Upper level vocational credit from accredited institutions such as colleges and universities, both private and public, and other agencies recognized by the National Commission on Accrediting.
LEAD 391 Advanced Occupational Learning
Credit may be earned by documenting learning from experience in a teachable occupation or family of occupations.
LEAD 411 Human Resource Fundamentals
This course is an overview of roles in field of resource management in context of the overall field of HRM, the relationship to workplace performance and the roles and competencies required in workforce leadership.
LEAD 412 Coaching and Talent Development
This course addresses knowledge, skills, and dispositions for workforce leaders in talent management, career development, and coaching strategies to maximize performance and goal attainment at individual, group, and organizational levels.
LEAD 420 Conflict Management in the Workplace
This course addresses the study and discussion of conflict, its types, sources, and processes with special emphasis in organizational conflict. Additionally, it introduces students to negotiation, mediation, and other alternative dispute resolution mechanisms.
LEAD 424 - Organizational Partnership and Community Engagement
The course’s purpose is to expand the student’s understanding of community engagement by way of organizational partnerships. Students will be exposed to various challenges in different communities to understand ways in which organizations can work to mitigate such issues. Students will engage in dialogue around defining organizational partnership and community engagement, build on strategies and techniques to better strengthen the relationship between organizations and the community, as well as be challenged to step outside of their comfort zone and explore/research communities in which they do not identify with.
LEAD 442 Supporting Organizational Change
This course focuses on the reasons for and causes of change in organizations, and the professional and personal competencies to support change.
LEAD 460 Adult Learning and Diversity
This course focuses on theories and principles of adult learning and diversity with emphasis on their application to the education and helping professions as well as applications of career planning and talent management.
LEAD 490 Leadership and Management
Introduction and application to the management functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling as they apply to leadership of workplace learning and performance.
LEAD 510 Teaching Career and Technical Education
This course is a study of teaching practices as they apply to beginning teachers. Emphasis on practical procedures needed to succeed in teaching.
LEAD 522 Workplace Health, Safety, and Security
This course addresses knowledge, skills, and dispositions for workforce leaders to promote healthy and safe workplaces. Both physical and psychological health, safety, and security concepts are explored, from compliance and workplace climate and leadership perspectives. Special emphasis is placed on emerging issues and the development of skills to promote workplace health, safety, and security.
LEAD 540 Program Exit Experience
This is the final course and intended to show mastery of the program standards. It includes two components: 1) a supervised professional work experience related to the student’s program and professional goals; 2) a professional portfolio with reflection paper that analyzes learning related to the Workforce Leadership and Performance standards. Students must submit an Application for practicum one semester prior to enrollment.
LEAD 575 Instructional Technology
This course provides knowledge and hands-on understanding on current and emerging workforce instructional technologies. Students will learn the theoretical foundation of technology-assisted learning, and various techniques for designing and delivering technology-enhanced learning solutions. Prerequisites: LEAD 311
LEAD 578 Workplace & Information Ethics
This course focuses on ethical perspectives at individual, group, organizational and societal levels as they apply to leadership in workplaces and management of organizational information; includes examination of social responsibility.
LEAD 307 Prior Learning Assessment for Healthcare Leaders
To provide healthcare leadership students with key university and program resources with learning the process of documentation, and creation of a product for documentation, for workplace learning. In addition, students will be able to identify their own personal and professional competencies while making connections between these competencies and the skills/competencies required for success in the program.
LEAD 308 Needs Assessment in Healthcare Organizations
Students will be introduced to the conceptual and theoretical foundations and process of organizational needs assessment in healthcare organizations. Particular focus will be paid to developing an understanding of the basics of the needs assessment process.
LEAD 309 Managing Projects in Healthcare Organizations
The course provides an overview of project planning and management tools/techniques used in managing projects in healthcare organizations.
LEAD 410 Fundamentals of Healthcare Human Resource Management
This course provides an opportunity to study the human resources management (HRM) functions and roles of performance management and compensation in healthcare organizations.
LEAD 413 Management of Diversity in Healthcare Organizations
Examination of theoretical and practical means of cultural diversity, worldview and multicultural awareness in the workplace from a global perspective. To cover workplace practices that are incorporated internationally, and to examine human resource-related practices from a global perspective within the area of healthcare.
LEAD 415 Organizational Change in Healthcare
Focus on strategies for effecting whole organization and process change in healthcare organizations.
LEAD 416 Principles of Healthcare Leadership and Management
This course provides an introduction to healthcare management, along with concepts, theories, and application of strategic leadership and management principles for increasing the effectiveness of healthcare organizations.
LEAD 430 Healthcare Finance and Accounting
Introduction to healthcare finance and accounting including: health business basics; how services are paid; pricing decisions and profit analysis; planning and budgeting; capital investment decisions; reporting profits, assets, financing, and cash flows; assessing organizational financial condition.
LEAD 431 Healthcare Information Management
Students will be introduced to conceptual and theoretical foundations of healthcare information management. Focus will be paid to developing an understanding about processes used to manage healthcare information management.
LEAD 432 Healthcare Quality Evaluation
Students will be introduced to conceptual and theoretical foundations of healthcare quality evaluation. Particular focus will paid to developing an understanding of the basics of the quality evaluation process.
LEAD 433 Healthcare Law and Ethics
Students will explore and examine the legal, policy and ethical issues that engage healthcare professionals in the ever-changing healthcare system. Particular focus will be on developing professionalism, both personally and organizationally.
LEAD 450 Healthcare Leadership - CUE
The course includes a Culminating Experience reflection, a Program Exit Portfolio, and a Capstone Project. Prerequisites: Successful completion of all previous Healthcare Leadership courses.