by Michael G. Smith
LOGJAM HYDRODYNAMICS at the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest Inhaling, I forget where I came from as a hidden fulcrum seesaws a pinned branch in and out of a riffle again and again and the same winter wren stops again on a log to lecture me with her spirited song and bouncy dance until exhaling, I forget where I will go.
A semi-retired chemist, Michael G. Smith’s poetry has been published or is forthcoming in Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, Cider Press Review, Nimrod, the Kerf, The Santa Fe Literary Review and other journals. The Dark is Different in Reverse was published by Bitterzoet Press in 2013. No Small Things, published by Tres Chicas Books in 2014, was a finalist for the New Mexico-Arizona Book Award in Poetry. His poem in this issue of Miracle Monocle was written while he was a writing resident of the Spring Creek Project (Oregon State University) at the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest.