Editorial Code of Conduct

Dear Readers,

In the interest of fostering productive conversations regarding the processes and priorities behind the selection of pieces for publication in literary journals, we thought we’d invite you to peruse our Editorial Code of Conduct. The editorial staff of Miracle Monoclecomprised of a team of about 20 students in the Fall and a smaller staff of interns in the Springdeveloped this code in collaboration with the faculty editor of the journal. We regard the code as a living document, subject to change as the journal grows and changes. By publishing it externally we hope to announce our core principles in a meaningful and enduring way:

Miracle Monocle commits to showcasing the beauty of diversity in all of our issues. In order to achieve this goal, we will actively pursue contributions from writers in marginalized populations. Inclusionary editing practices are at the core of our aesthetic priorities. 

Miracle Monocle not only strives to showcase both emerging and established writers, but we also aim to publish work that challenges stylistic and formal boundaries. We welcome and actively search out contributions that refresh our ideas of what makes a compelling piece of literary or visual art. In addition to creating space within each of our issues for work that challenges genre expectations, we also offer publication and a cash prize of $200 to the winner of our annual Innovative Writing Award.

Miracle Monocle has a special interest in supporting the work of student writers. We have created space within our issues to showcase the work of exceptional students; we also award the winner of our annual Ambitious Student Writing Award with publication and a cash prize of $200. Submissions to this competition are free and are read blind. On the very rare occasions when editors may recognize the work of a friend or colleague among the submissions for this prize, they excuse themselves from considering the manuscript.

Miracle Monocle publishes a range of work in prose, poetry, and the territories between genres. We encourage writers to peruse our full submission guidelines before submitting to the journal.

Miracle Monocle will accept submissions from former staff members, but only after a period of two years from the date of graduation from the University of Louisville. The journal has no specific policy regarding submissions from recent contributors, but we do endeavor to offer variety and are unlikely to return to a writer within one or two issues. The exception to this rule is when writers submit work in alternative genres or mediums. 

Miracle Monocle reserves the right to cancel its contract with a contributor if the journal discovers that the contributor has acted in a way that could cause harm (whether financial or reputational) to the journal. While it's impossible for us to screen every contributor for patterns of problematical behavior in the literary community, we'd rather know than not know:

Miracle Monocle is interested only in publishing original, previously unpublished manuscripts. We ask that writers tread carefully when submitting work that incorporates other, published work. Please provide attribution wherever necessary and maintain high standards for fair use. 

Miracle Monocle aims to be as transparent as possible about our editing practices. We urge you to take a peek behind the scenes of our selection process:

  • Each submission that arrives in our submission manager will be reviewed by at least three editors. In many cases, submissions will be reviewed by more than six editors. Staff members are encouraged to be aware of potential implicit biases and are trained to evaluate work in a fair and measured way.
  • Selections that garner positive attention in the first round of review will then advance to a second round of review, wherein editors across categories may weigh in on the piece. Final selections are made on the basis of the needs of the issue as a whole.
  • The rationale behind our careful review practice is that each submission deserves full consideration, but we also invest deeply in this aspect of our work as editors because at least half of the content in each of our issues is comprised of unsolicited submissions. This ratio is at the core of our ethical code.
  • All submissions advance through our review process in a timely fashion. As the volume of submissions grows, this commitment becomes more difficult to maintain, but we strive nonetheless to respond to all submissions within four to six months of receipt. Whenever possible, we offer writers words of support in response.  

Miracle Monocle is a university-affiliated journal that, like most literary publications, operates on a lean budget. Because we are currently unable to pay our contributors, we endeavored to forgo charging a submission fees for many years. We now charge a small fee for submissions in some categories, but will review this practice at the close of every issue cycle. 

We welcome donations and host an annual crowdfunding campaign in collaboration with our supporting institution, the University of Louisville. 

The views expressed in Miracle Monocle may not correspond with those of the University of Louisville; therefore, the university's support of the journal should not be interpreted as an endorsement of any specific views. 

Miracle Monocle endeavors to foster community at the university and local level. We host an event series that is free, open to the public, and features local talents and contributors to the journal.

Miracle Monocle invests deeply in the notion that communication is a key component to any successful literary endeavor. We respond to queries promptly and respectfully and engage with the public regularly by means of an active social media presence. Follow us on X, Facebook, Instagram, and BlueSky; contact us directly by means of our ; and don’t forget to visit our site to discover what's new. We want to hear from you.


The Editorial Staff of Miracle Monocle