Faculty Senate

Information for the Faculty of the University of Louisville.


Report of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee to the Faculty Senate – September 30, 2015


The Faculty Senate Executive Committee met on September 30, 2015 and the following items were presented/discussed and approved:

  • Reports from standing committees
  • Reports of the FS Chair, and representatives of the Student Senate and Staff Senate
  • Diversity on UL BoT
  • Redbook issue on sabbatical leave -- The Faculty Senate Executive Committee considered a request from A&S unit chairs about a change to the Redbook that had been forwarded to the Chair of the FS Redbook Committee, Krista Wallace-Boaz.  The Executive Committee decided to not to take any action on the request at this time.  We understand that the central administration is evaluating the interpretation of the section and consistency of implementation across the units of the university. We have asked the central administration to share that information with us so we can evaluate the request based on this additional information.
  • Ad-hoc presidential compensation committee update
  • Draft  policy for university administrative policies
  • Next steps in the faculty-staff salary survey process
  • Draft CPE strategic agenda


Submitted by Enid Trucios-Haynes,

Professor of Law, Vice Chair of Faculty Senate and

Chair of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee

October 7, 2015