Faculty Senate

Information for the Faculty of the University of Louisville.



Executive Committee


  1. Responsibilities and Functions
    1. To consider and advise the Faculty Senate on general faculty business not assigned to other Faculty Senate committees.
    2. To set the agenda for the Faculty Senate.
    3. To coordinate the work of the Faculty Senate Standing Committees, and to transmit to them the information received for review, study or recommendation.
    4. To have jurisdiction in the assignment of topics for review to the appropriate Faculty Senate committee.
    5. To appoint ad hoc committees when appropriate, and/or when the subject is outside the purview of the Standing Committees.
    6. To serve as the representative faculty committee for consultations on vice-presidential candidates, except in those instances in which The Redbook designates a special committee.
    7. To consider and advise the Faculty Senate specifically in regard to policies and actions affecting the University’s service to segments of our community under represented on our faculty or in our student body.
  2. Membership
    1. There shall be five at-large members elected from the membership of the Faculty Senate. Only Faculty Senators are eligible for election to this committee. No more than two individuals from any unit can elected to the at-large seats.
    2. There shall be one voting member who is elected by the standing committee representing each standing committee, with the exception of the Planning and Budget Committee, which shall have two elected voting members. Members elected by the standing committees must be faculty senators.
    3. The Vice Chair of the Faculty Senate shall chair this committee and is an ex officio voting member.
    4. The Chair of the Faculty Senate shall be an ex officio voting member.
    5. The Provost (or other Presidential designee) shall be an ex officio non-voting member.
    6. The immediate past-Chair shall be an ex officio member. If continuing as a Faculty Senator, he/she shall have voting privileges.
    7. The Student and Staff Senates shall each have one ex officio non-voting member.
    8. The total membership of this committee shall not exceed eighteen.
  3. Term of Office
    1. At-large members shall serve staggered three year terms.
    2. No individual may serve more than two successive full-terms as an at-large member.