Faculty Senate

Information for the Faculty of the University of Louisville.


2014-2015 Redbook Committee Annual Report

This year the Redbook Committee reviewed, approved and presented the following unit bylaws and/or personnel policies:

Nursing School – the revised Personnel Documents were approved by Faculty Senate in June 2015, and the Bylaws were approved by Faculty Senate in July 2015.

School of Public Health and Information Sciences – the revised Personnel Documents were approved by Faculty Senate at the June meeting.

Arts and Sciences – the revised Personnel Document, which included only one small change in Section 2.1.B.2.d.8, has been presented to the Faculty Senate in July for a First Read. The Faculty Senate will vote on the revision as a Second Read at the September 2015 meeting.

CEHD – the revised bylaws in order to rename two of their departments: the renaming of Departments now only requires approval by Redbook and the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate, since no policies or procedures are requested.  These name changes were approved by the Executive Committee June 2015, and presented to the Faculty Senate July 2015 as an informational item only.

College of Business – revised personnel document – Redbook had several questions regarding this document.  These issues were sent to the COB, and I have received a reply.  Those comments have been sent to Redbook, and we will continue to move forward with our second review of these documents.

School of Medicine – revised Promotion and Tenure Document. Redbook received this document June 2015, and will begin review of the document September 2015.

As chair, I also worked with Ann Swank, providing information to the subcommittee for the SACS accreditation with the task of addressing governance issues.


Respectfully Submitted by,

Dr. Krista Wallace-Boaz

Chair, Redbook Committee