Faculty Senate

Information for the Faculty of the University of Louisville.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Ad hoc Committee 2024-2025

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Ad hoc Committee 2024-2025
Committee Description: To review a matter emerging for consideration by the full Senate that a member has flagged as potentially having a disparate impact on some demographic population and if warranted provide in a timely manner a report on the issue(s) for consideration by the Executive Committee before the full Senate acts on the matter; to periodically evaluate trends emerging from a series of Senate actions that may cause disparate impact on particular demographic groups even though the actions individually seem neutral; to periodically evaluate the efficacy of the committee and its procedures in achieving its charge.

Committee Membership: There shall be six members, one elected by each Standing Committee and one
chair elected from the Faculty Senate at large. The Provost's Office shall have one non-voting ex officio representative.

Committee Members: Voting
Standing Committee Name
Committee Chair Bonnie Fonseca-Greber
Academic Programs Committee Erin Gerber
Committee on Committees & Credentials
Executive Committee Enid Trucios-Haynes
Part-time Faculty Committee Roy Fuller
Planning & Budget Committee Sara Choate
REDBOOK & Bylaws Committee Christopher Tillquist
Ex Officio: Non-voting
Provost Office  Cherie Dawson-Edwards
Updated 7.31.2023