CARDS EXCEL Center for Engaged Learning logo

CARDS (Conceptualize, Adventure, Research, Develop, Serve) 
EXCEL (Expand the Classroom through Engaged Learning)

Engaged learning allows you to expand your knowledge and gain skills to further prepare you for life after graduation. Students who complete two or more qualifying engaged learning activities and submit reflections on those experiences are eligible to earn the CARDS EXCEL distinction cord at graduation. Watch our student testimonial videos to hear from previous CARDS EXCEL participants about their engaged learning experiences. 

How does it work?


Participate in Engaged Learning Experiences

Complete two or more qualifying engaged learning experiences from at least one of the five categories—Conceptualize, Adventure, Research, Develop and Serve. Experiences should meet a minimum of 15 hours of involvement across a semester.


Apply for CARDS EXCEL Distinction

During your graduating semester, submit a CARDS EXCEL distinction application including reflections on each experience. Applications will be completed through the InfoReady system. Students graduating in May 2025 must submit their completed application by April 29, 2025.


Application Review

The Center for Engaged Learning team will review your application and notify you if it is approved, unapproved, or if it needs to be edited and resubmitted.


Pick-up your graduation cords

If your CARDS EXCEL application is approved, you may pick-up your cord for graduation during the week of May 5-9, 2025 from the Center for Engaged Learning office.



Wear your cords at graduation and celebrate your accomplishment!

Categories & Requirements

To earn the CARDS EXCEL distinction, you will need to complete two experiences that fall under the following engaged learning categories. Students are encouraged, but not required, to complete two experiences from two different categories.

Engage in conceptualization, application and entrepreneurship, examples include:

  • Business Plan Competitions
  • Hackathons
  • Industry Projects
  • Senior Capstone Course Projects (CUE Course Project)
  • Academic Student Competition Teams

Seek adventure by engaging with the global community, examples include:

  • Study Abroad
  • International Service Learning Program (ISLP)
  • International Internships
  • International Co-ops
  • International Research Experiences

Improve lives through research, creativity and discovery, examples include:

  • Visual & Performing Arts
  • Creative Humanities
  • Mentored Research Experience
  • Intensive Summer Research Experiences

Hone career and leadership skills to apply to future career endeavors, examples include:

  • Co-ops & Internships (general part-time and full-time jobs are not considered unless directly related to a student's major/minor or career focus areas)
  • Practicums
  • Field Experiences
  • Student Teaching
  • Student Organization Leadership
  • Clinical Experiences
  • Student Government Position
  • Greek Life Leadership 
  • REACH Peer Tutor or Academic Coach
  • ROTC
  • UofL (D1) Student Athlete 

Serve your local and global community through community engagement opportunities, examples include:

  • Service Learning
  • K-12 Outreach

For an engaged learning experience to qualify for the CARDS EXCEL distinction, it must:

  • Involve a minimum of 15 total hours of involvement during one semester.
  • Involve a hands-on learning experience.
  • Provide the opportunity to develop Essential Skills and Career Readiness Competencies such as critical thinking, communication, leadership, professionalism, and teamwork.

Application Information

Submit the CARDS EXCEL application through InfoReady during the semester that you are graduating

May 2025 graduates: Submit reflections and application by April 29, 2025.

Students will be asked to provide detailed responses to the following reflection questions:

  1. Provide a clear and detailed description of your participation, activities, and responsibilities in the engaged learning experience.
  2. Describe in detail how you were able to apply, or make relevant, the knowledge, skills, or concepts you learned in your coursework as part of the engaged learning experience, and what new skills or knowledge did you gain?
  3. Provide at least one relevant example to show how this engaged learning experience required you to analyze and/or evaluate information or situation in new ways.
  4. Describe in detail how the assumptions and perceptions you had about the community, culture, environment, or workplace were challenge or affirmed by your engaged learning experience.
  5. How has participating in this engaged learning experience advanced your future academic and/or professional goals? Describe how this experience helped deepen your understanding of yourself, including your passions, interests, and values.

CARDS EXCEL reflection responses should include these elements in order to meet or exceed the CARDS EXCEL application requirements.


Reflection Question

Criteria to Meet or Exceed CARDS EXCEL Requirements


  • Thorough details provided in description of engaged learning experience


  • Two or more examples provided in applying coursework to engaged learning experience
  • Clearly explains two or more specific skills or knowledge areas developed through the engaged learning experience


  • Shares at least one relevant example of analyzing/evaluating information or situations in new ways


  • Reflects openly and in detail how their assumptions or perceptions were challenged or affirmed by the engaged learning experience


  • Demonstrates thorough depth of self-knowledge by linking at least two or more passions, interests, or values that were developed because of participating in the engaged learning experience
  • Clearly provides one or more academic or professional goals that were advanced due to participation in the engaged learning experience.

Reflection is a critical component of engaged learning, linking your experience to learning outcomes, enhancing your academic understanding and increasing awareness of how your work impacts the community. 

The benefits of taking the time to reflect on engaged learning experiences include:

  • Links academic knowledge to real world experiences through transfer of learning
  • Challenges students to assign meaning to their engaged learning experiences
  • Understand and be able to communicate specific skills and experiences which can be useful for resumes, applications, and interviews for jobs and further educational opportunities

Frequently Asked Questions

Participating in engaged learning was very important to my college experience - experiencing the world and giving back to your community is beautiful and memorable!

Lauren Burks CARDS EXCEL Participant

My engaged learning experience allowed me the chance to know I can accomplish my goals, gain confidence, and have the ability to learn new skills.

RaKara Allen CARDS EXCEL Participant

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University of Louisville
Louisville, KY 40208