Care Team U

Care Team U: Management of Student Crises

The Dean of Students Office, UofL’s Student Care Team, and Delphi Center, have partnered to host a roundtable discussion for faculty and staff who wish to know what happens when they refer a student in crisis. During the discussion, we'll provide general information about how to refer students in crisis, how DOS and other staff respond to students, how campus partners break down silos of communication in order to formalize a plan to assist the student in crisis, and resources for supporting students in crisis. In addition, roundtables with members of the Student Care Team, faculty, and staff are planned during fall and spring semesters.

Care Team U: Management of Student Crises

The purpose of the Student Care Team (SCT) is to provide a regular opportunity for communication between departments, ensuring that all the resources of the University of Louisville are available to students in crisis. A crisis for the purposes of this response plan is an emotionally significant event involving a student that threatens the well-being of one or more individuals or the university community as a whole. A crisis may include personal crises and behavioral issues involving individual students or groups. UofL’s Student Care Team has managed responses to students who experience crises such as suicide attempts, sexual assaults, conduct violations, substance use, and even deaths of students.


Spring Session TBD


TILL Classroom, 3rd Fl. of Ekstrom Library

Roundtable Discussion

Plan to attend a roundtable discussion with university community members and support services during either the fall or spring semester.

Learning Objectives

After attending a roundtable, you will be able to:

  1. Understand how the University of Louisville’s Student Care Team follows best practices within the growing field of Behavioral Intervention Teams (BITs).
  2. State the purpose of SCT and identify the members of the team.
  3. Know options for reporting a student of concern.
  4. Work as a team to consider information needed to assist a student of concern.
  5. Know how to refer students to campus resources, such as SCT and ConcernCenter.

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