Manage Users Tool

Course Tool that Empowers Instructors of Record to Add Additional Instructors, Course Builders, Graders and TAs to Their Blackboard Courses

Adding non-student users to your course(s) is now user friendly. This tool allows the instructor to add additional instructors, course builders, graders and TAs to their Blackboard courses.

  • Instructors can add any active user in Blackboard other than currently enrolled users
  • Instructors can NOT add users with the role of student
  • Instructors cannot modify user roles once the user has been added to the course
  • Instructors cannot remove users once the user has been added to the course

How to Add a User to a Blackboard Course

  1. Go to Details and Actions Menu (on the right) details_and_actions
  2. Scroll down to and click Manage Course Users
  3. Under “Books and Tools” Click Course and Institution ToolsAdd_Users_by_Role.gif
  4. Enter the Username(s) (ex. aryate01) for the user you wish to add.
  5. Choose the Course Role and Submit.

Course roles include (see descriptions below):

Descriptions of all Course Roles

Course roles information courtesy of Blackboard Inc.

Course Builder

The Course Builder role has access to most areas of the course. This role is appropriate for an assistant who shouldn't have access to student grades.

If the course is unavailable to students, a course builder can still access the course. The course builder can't remove an instructor from a course.


A grader assists the instructor in the creation, management, delivery, and grading of items, such as tests and discussion board posts. A grader also assists the instructor with managing the Gradebook.

The Grader role has limited access to the course. Graders can assist an instructor in the creation, management, delivery, and grading of assessments and surveys. The grader may also assist an instructor with adding manual entries.

If a course is unavailable to students, the course appears in the course list for a user with the role of Grader. However, the grader can't enter the course until the course is available.

As part of the delegation grading workflow, instructors can assign the ability to reconcile grades to graders.


Instructors have full access to the course. This role is generally assigned to the person developing, teaching, or facilitating the class. If a course is unavailable to students, users with the Instructor role may still access it. The instructor is included in the course description in the Course Catalog. The instructor role can control tool availability.

Teaching Assistant

Users with the Teaching Assistant role have access to most of the course. If the course is unavailable to students, teaching assistants may still access the course.

The teaching assistant isn't included in the course description in the Course Catalog. Teaching assistants can't remove an instructor from a course.

Although you are encouraged to manage your course enrollments using the new Manage Users Tool, you are welcome to complete the Add User to Course form. The Delphi Center can add a user or multiple users to your course, however we will not add users to courses with the role of Student.

Please note, only the official instructor of record can make this request. Requests are normally processed within the next business day.

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