Regalia Shop




The deadline to order regalia in time for home shipping before the ceremony is Friday, October 25, 2024.



Caps and Gowns 

All student cap and gown packages will be purchased from Jostens, the University’s cap and gown vendor. Classkeeper caps and gowns are purchased and do not need to be returned after the ceremony.

Deadline to Order
The deadline to place an order is 11:59 p.m. Friday, October 25th. You must know your school/college, the correct name of your degree and major, and all sizes to fit the robe. Style, colors and trim are determined by the University of Louisville according to standards for academic apparel. Your tassel color (and hood- if master or doctorate) is determined by the degree you will be awarded. If you do not know your correct degree, please contact your advisor before placing your order.

After submitting your order, you will receive a thank you confirmation page with your order number along with an e-mail confirmation. Your confirmation number is proof of purchase, so please keep that for your records. 

IMPORTANT! All orders will ship to the address indicated on your order as soon as it is produced. To guarantee delivery in time for the ceremony, you must order before the October 25th deadline. 

When submitting your order, you will be asked to select your degree from a drop down menu labeled "major/curriculum". You should select your degree from this list. For example, if you are receiving a Bachelor of Science degree, you would select science from the drop down menu. You can always refer to the   Degree Tassel and Hood Trim Color page for reference as well. 

To avoid paying multiple shipping fees, we recommend ordering your honor cords (if applicable) and UofL stole (optional) in the same transaction with your cap & gown. 

You must have a valid debit or credit card to place your order

Student Custom Keeper Cap and Gown

Bachelors                            $24.98 + tax, service, and delivery fees Includes cap, gown, and degree color tassel

Masters                               $40.03 + tax, service, and delivery fees Includes cap, gown, degree color tassel, and hood

Doctorate                            $83.08 +  tax, service, and delivery fees Includes tam, gown, degree color tassel, and hood

Optional Items 

Custom University of Louisville Souvenir Tassel                   $10

Custom University of Louisville Stole                                    $25

Honor Cords*                                                                         $10 

*Eligibility for honors is determined by your academic unit. If you have questions related to eligibility for honors, please contact your advisor. 

Students who need assistance placing their order may e-mail  or call our office at 502-852-6528. 


To access the cap and gown order website you make click the cap and tassel order now icon below or VISIT THE JOSTENS UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE ONLINE STORE.





 Questions? Email us at .