Frequently Asked Questions

When and where is commencement?

The University-wide commencement ceremony honoring Certificates, Bachelor, Masters and Doctoral graduates* is Saturday May 10, 2025 at the KFC Yum! Center at 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Schedule to be posted online on January 17, 2025. Each ceremony will last no longer than 2 hours.

*Doctoral level graduates will receive hooding ceremony information and instructions from their school/college. The hooding ceremony will take place on May 9, 2025 at 2:00pm in the L&N Arean is the Student Activities Center. Doctoral graduates are invited to participate in the University-wide ceremonies, as well as their hooding, if they like.

Is there a rehearsal?

No in-person rehearsal will be held. A brief informational video walkthrough is available here


How many guests may I invite? Are tickets required? 

Commencement is a non-ticketed event. Graduates may invite an unlimited number of guests to attend. 


Where is parking located?

Parking is located onsite in the arena garage along with many other parking garages, surface lots, and on street metered parking in the area. Parking costs are the responsibility of the graduate or guest. All parking is available on a first come, first served basis. The University is not liable for parking fees or damage to vehicle. 


When will the doors open? How long will the ceremony last? 

Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. The ceremony will last approximately two hours. 

We expect about 1100 graduates to be recognized. Please show consideration for all graduates of our campus community by crossing the stage in a timely manner, and returning to your seat and remaining seated until the recessional at the end of the ceremony.


How do I order a cap and gown? 

Graduates are required to wear UofL’s official cap and gown to participate in the ceremony. Click on the "Shop" link on the left for more information, or go directly to the Jostens University of Louisville online store.


Can I decorate my cap?

Yes, absolutely. We love to see your creativity! No obscenities, violations of law, or university policy. Be sure to use #UofLGrads2024!


Where can I purchase optional graduation accessories (stoles, tassels, rings, diploma frames, announcements, etc.)?

Class rings, zipper pulls, custom diploma frames, Cardinal stoles, Kente stoles, tassels and announcements may be purchased from the Jostens online ordering site. These items are NOT required and are entirely OPTIONAL. Promotional pricing is available at the Countdown to Commencement event. Please see the calendar of events page for additional details. 


Will I have to walk-through metal detectors upon entering the facility? What about bag search requirements?

Yes. All individuals arriving at the facility will pass through metal detectors upon arriving at the facility. Please allow a few extra minutes for entering the facility.  Per KFC YUM! Center policy, all bags are subject to search upon entry. Backpacks of any kind, including drawstring, fanny packs, computer bags, and camera bags are prohibited. Bags may be no larger than 14” X 14” X 6" and a clutch may only be 9” X 7”. Please also note that balloons are prohibited


Are signs or banners permitted?

Signs which are hand-held and no greater than 11" x 17" in size are permitted. Signs may not be hung or fastened anywhere in the arena. Small signs should not be commercial or obscene in nature, nor promote violations of law or university policy, nor cause any disturbance. The KFC Yum! Center reserves the right to remove any banner at any time. Graduates may not carry anything onstage (flags, signs, objects etc.).


Are cameras permitted in the KFC YUM! Center?



Will there be areas for my guests with disabilities?

Yes. Americans With Disabilities Act accessible seating areas are available. All seating is available on a first come, first served basis.

Additionally, the fan assist wheelchair escort program will be available. Upon arrival at the venue, any venue staff with a radio can contact fan assist for you. A staff member will meet you in the lobby with a wheelchair they will use to escort you to your seat. You may contact them at 502-609-9034 when you are ready to be picked up and returned to the lobby. If you plan to use this service, please allow extra time for entry. Should you need assistance, their office will be staffed during the event located by section 103 on the Main Concourse. 


Is there a dress code?

There is not a dress code for guests. Graduates must wear the official UofL cap & gown to participate in the ceremony. We encourage students to wear appropriate footwear. While there are no restrictions on footwear, be mindful that you will be walking on many different surfaces and navigating stairs or a ramp. 


Will concession stands be open?

Beverages and a limited selection of snacks will be available.


May I save seats for my friends who are also graduating?

No. To minimize crowding, if you want to sit with your friends, you must arrive together.


Will the ceremony be live streamed?

Yes. The link is here.


Will there be program books available at the ceremony?

We no longer print program books for distribution at the ceremony, however, we will post a link to download the book in the days approaching commencement. We will also provide a QR code at the ceremony so you and your guests may download it while at the KFC YUM! Center. You may request 2 printed copies top be mailed to you here:


What about photos?

Our photography partner, ProPics, will be onsite photographing the ceremony. Each student will be photographed as they cross the stage and will also have a graduate portrait taken after crossing the stage. Each graduate will receive one free 5X7 photograph. To make sure Pro Pics has the most accurate contact information to send your photo proofs and free print, please visit to fill out your information.


Do I receive my diploma at the ceremony?

No. The Registrar’s Office will send graduates an e-mail notice when diplomas become available. Diplomas usually arrive in the Registrar's Office approximately 8-10 weeks after commencement.  You will be contacted via e-mail once the diplomas are available. If you have a question regarding your degree application or diploma, visit the Registrar's website or contact the Office of the Registrar at 502-852-6522 .  You may also send an e-mail to .


What size are diplomas?

Diplomas for all degrees measure 14"x17". 


When will my degree post to my transcript?

Academic units have one month to approve degrees. Once a degree is approved it will post to your transcript.


Where can I buy a Commencement video?

The University’s information technology staff will provide video services at the commencement ceremony. The ceremony livestream is available on the University's Youtube channel. For additional video questions, please contact Mike Peak at  

When will my degree be posted on my transcript?

Most degrees are posted on transcripts one month after commencement. You can check your unofficial transcript from the UofL web site:  Unofficial Transcript This service provides  unofficial transcripts of  course work between Fall 1982 to the present.


Commencement ceremony information will be posted and updated periodically on this website.