Graduate RSVP


December 2024 commencement registration information coming in August!

 Commencement =/= Graduation

Registering for and participation in the commencement ceremony is NOT the same as graduation! In order to graduate all students MUST apply for their degree in ULink during the semester in which their degree requirements are met.

Students completing their degree in Summer 2024 must apply for their degree from April 15-June 30, 2024. 

Students completing their degrees in Fall 2024 must apply for their degree from August 25-November 14, 2024.

Once students have applied for their degree they should then register for commencement. The link to RSVP for the ceremony will go live online here on the commencement page in late-August 2024.

The RSVP is intended for graduates only and not for their guests. Commencement is a nonticketed event and graduates may invite as many guests as they wish.


For questions, please email us at .