Ted Smith Discusses Wastewater Testing and Flu Surge in Louisville with WDRB

Dr. Ted Smith, Associate Director of CIEHS CEC, was interviewed by WDRB to discuss the flu outbreak and the city's innovative approach to tracking illness through wastewater testing. With flu activity reaching its highest levels in 15 years, Smith highlighted how wastewater data, collected from the city's five water treatment plants, provides an early warning for public health officials. “We see a direct correlation between flu and COVID in the wastewater and what’s happening in the community,” Smith said. Having tested wastewater for illness for about five years, Smith emphasized the importance of using this data to anticipate surges and take proactive measures, such as increasing precautions in schools and other public spaces. As flu cases continue to rise, Smith advocates for continued handwashing, staying home when sick, and keeping up with flu vaccinations to help mitigate the spread of illness. Read full article from WDRB here.