Research Interests
Meristem maintenance and pattern formationPlants maintain a population of stem cells, called meristems, that continually give rise to new plant structures throughout life. We are interested in the role of meristems in pattern formation, the ability of organs and tissues to form in the correct numbers and positions within various plant structures, especially in flowers of Arabidopsis thaliana. |
Cell fate determinationAfter division most plant cells undergo differentiation to appropriate cell types. We are interested in general processes of cell fate determination in Arabidopsis thaliana and Physcomitrella patens.
Drought toleranceThe loss of crops due to drought is one of the most significant challenges in agriculture worldwide. We are investigating the mechanisms of drought resistance in a series of mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana and Physcomitrella patens.
BiofuelsReliance on fossil fuels is becoming increasingly problematic due to negative environmental effects, cost instability, and supply instability. Plants offer a potential alternative renewable source of fuels. We are working toward developing plants that accumulate free sugars, making them more suitable for use as biofeedstock for ethanol production. We are also developing technologies for increasing the efficiency of algae biofuel harvesting.