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Online Master of Science in Biostatistics

The online Master of Science in Biostatistics (MSBST) is designed for professionals with a bachelor’s degree who aspire to start or advance their career in biostatistics, statistics or data science.

Offered by the School of Public Health & Information Science at the University of Louisville, this program delivers a forward-thinking curriculum that emphasizes medical, dental, nursing and healthcare applications of statistical analysis, with applicability across countless other industries. Through state-of-the-art coursework in designing research studies and applying modern statistical analysis, you’ll be equipped with the expertise needed to meet the growing industry demand for skilled statisticians who can effectively drive evidence-based decisions.

Biostatistics, MS Virtual Info Session: Wednesday, May 21

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Join the MSBST faculty and staff for a virtual information session to learn more about the program, how to apply, and get your questions answered.
Register Now!

Biostatistics, MS Virtual Info Session: Wednesday, October 22

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Join the MSBST faculty and staff for a virtual information session to learn more about the program, how to apply, and get your questions answered.
Register Now!

Academic Year Tuition

$830 per credit hour
$250 per credit hour active-duty tuition rate

This program is a Title IV federal financial aid eligible program. Tuition rate does not include costs associated with a specific course or program, such as textbooks.

Please note that other fees apply – check our tuition page for all applicable costs.

Tuition, fees, and charges are subject to change and effective on the date enacted.For additional information on educational expenses and the Cost of Attendance, please visit the Student Financial Aid Office website.

Tuition, Fees & Aid    

Online Master of Science in Biostatistics Program Highlights

  • Learn rigorous statistical analysis methodology you can apply to any industry.
  • Gain extensive training in statistical computing and data management in the SAS and R statistical software programs.
  • Join one of the very few comprehensive biostatistics programs in the nation.
  • Learn from faculty with distinguished academic credentials and a strong commitment to applied research.
  • Build upon your background—the program is open to individuals with a bachelor’s degree in any field with some exposure to quantitative background (see Apply Now tab for more details).
  • Complete your degree in as few as 3 semesters.



Complete this degree on your own time through fully online coursework and learning tools.

Learn More

Only 12 courses are required for graduation. Math Tools prep course also available in summer.

Learn More

To-date, all graduates of the MSBST program at UofL have found employment in a biostatistics-related role

Online learning video - Master of Science in Biostatistics

"“Statisticians and individuals who are trained in quantitative methods are going to be the invisible force for doing an impeccable job to advance the [data] industry today "


What Can I do with a Master's in Biostatistics?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment for statisticians is expected to grow 30 percent from 2022 to 2032, much faster than the average for all occupations (bls.gov). In addition, the annual median wage was $104,110 in May of 2023. Our master’s in biostatistics opens the door to this booming industry and prepares you to provide statistical insights for the healthcare industry—the third largest employer of statisticians.

Graduates of UofL’s online Master’s in Biostatistics program are prepared to pursue careers in organizations including but not limited to:

  • Pharmaceutical corporations
  • Medical researchers
  • Insurers
  • Government agencies (FDA, NIH, Census Bureau)
  • Universities and research institutions
  • Hospitals and cancer centers


Online MSBST Application Deadlines

Application Deadline Term Start Date
April 1 Summer May
June 30 Fall August

Summer admission is only for student seeking provisional admission to the MS with the requirement to complete our Math Tools sequence in remedial calculus.

Note: Any application completed after the deadline is considered for admission for the next admission term. We recommend you work on and submit your complete application well in advance of the deadline, as obtaining transcripts and other materials may take more time. Summer admission is only for student seeking provisional admission to the MS with the requirement to complete our Math Tools sequence in remedial calculus.

How to Apply for the Online Master of Science in Biostatistics

  1. Start your application for graduate admission
  2. Submit $65 non-refundable application fee
  3. Upload required materials*
  4. Request official transcripts from all previously attended colleges and universities. Transcripts are only accepted directly from the institution(s) by email: gradadm@louisville.edu (recommended) or mail: University of Louisville, Graduate School, 2211 S. Brook St., Louisville, KY 40292.
  5. Create a financial plan


Online Master of Science in Biostatistics Admissions Requirements and Materials

To be considered for admission, applicants must have:

  • a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent from an accredited institution
  • a minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (applicants who do not meet the minimum GPA may inquire about conditional acceptance)

*Required application packet materials include:

  • transcripts showing a degree from an accredited institution in biostatistics, statistics, mathematics, or a related discipline with competency in college level calculus, up to and including multivariable calculus (partial differentiation and multiple integration)
  • students lacking the necessary background in calculus (up to and including multivariable calculus with coverage of partial differentiation and multiple integration) may be conditionally admitted to the MS program under Provisional Probation status and required to complete remedial coursework in calculus, offered by the Department in the University of Louisville’s summer term Math Tools
  • a statement of purpose describing the applicant’s background and interest in biostatistics
  • two letters of recommendation

*Your Application Portal:
Once you have started the graduate application, you can check the status and review any additional checklist to-do items. Log in to your application using the email address you used to apply for admission and your password. Your checklist items may include additional materials or documentation that facilitate a smooth admissions process. You will also have access to important contact information and next steps after an admissions decision is made.

Concerned you don’t have the required mathematics background? Don’t let that hold you back!

Apply today and kick-off your program with our online Math Tools courses to prepare for the mathematical rigor necessary to complete the M.S. in Biostatistics degree.

While completing your Math Tools courses, you can begin working toward your master’s by earning a Certificate in Biostatistics online. The certificate can be completed in tandem with the Math Tools courses (there is no calculus requirement for the certificate program)—with all certificate credits applied toward your degree!

Online MSBST for International Students

The Master’s in Biostatistics program is open to international students. If you live outside of the United States and intend to complete an online academic program from your home country, be sure to review these additional requirements for international students.

  • Transcripts from institutions outside of the United States will require a foreign credential evaluation. View the FAQs for more information.
  • Students whose primary language is not English must show English language proficiency by attaining one of the following:
    • TOEFL examination score at or above 550 (paper based test and a 5.0 on the TWE test), 213 (computer based test), 79 (internet based test)
    • IELTS test score of 6.5 or higher
    • Duolingo English test score of 105 or higher
    • Demonstration of a degree award from an acceptable English language institution, as formally documented by an appropriate institutional official
  • International students will not be issued a U.S. visa, since there are no campus attendance requirements. All courses in the program are taught 100% online, allowing you to attain the entire degree from the comfort of your home and at any time convenient for you, regardless of your current location, anywhere in the world.

For more information on the admission and application process, please contact our Online Learning Enrollment Counselor at 800.871.8635 or by email at online@louisville.edu.

Online MSBST Courses & Requirements

The M.S. in Biostatistics degree is a 33 credit hour program that requires 25 credit hours in core courses with 5 credit hours in electives, and 3 credit hours of public health education. The courses are asynchronous and delivered in standard term lengths.

Core Online Biostatistics Courses

Courses Hours
PHST 661 Probability 3
PHST 680 Biostatistical Methods I 3
PHST 624 Clinical Trials I: Planning and Design 2
PHPH 523 Public Health in the U.S.1 (3)
PHST 662 Mathematical Statistics 3
PHST 681 Biostatistical Methods II 3
PHST 684 Categorical Data Analysis 3
PHST 625 Clinical Trials II 2
PHST 683 Survival Analysis 3
PHST 620 Introduction to Statistical Computing 3
Electives2 5
Total 30

  1. PHPH 523 fulfills the accreditation requirement that all graduates from the School of Public Health and Information Science receive foundational instruction in public health. The three (3) credit hours for PHPH 523 do not accrue toward the 30 credit hours required for MS degree completion. Students with a prior degree and/or coursework from a CEPH accredited school or program of public health may be relieved of this requirement, per approval of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.
  2. Electives are chosen with the approval of a faculty advisor. Students are typically encouraged to select electives from among the following courses from among the following courses:
    • PHST 603 Biostatistics and the School of Public Health and Information Sciences.
    • PHST 640 Statistical Methods for Research Design in Health Sciences
    • PHMS 641 Data Mining I
    • PHST 675 Independent Study in Biostatistics
    • PHST 682 Multivariate Statistical Analysis

Students may also choose elective courses outside of the department in fields related to biostatistics, such as Mathematics, Epidemiology, and Computer Science (subject to approval from faculty advisor). Students are responsible for ensuring they have met the prerequisites for these courses.


Course Descriptions

PHST 603 Biostatistics Public Health Practicum 1

Prerequisite(s): Enrolled in MS in Biostatistics, PH MPH or Math major in Graduate School.

Description: Practical experience in biostatistical collaboration at the master's level, in which a student works with one or more investigators in the health sciences. Students typically engage in the statistical analysis of investigator data sets and are required to generate and present a report to the collaborating investigators.

Course Attribute(s): CBL - This course includes Community-Based Learning (CBL). Students will engage in a community experience or project with an external partner in order to enhance understanding and application of academic content.

PHST 620 Introduction to Statistical Computing

Prerequisite(s): PHST 500 or enrolled in MS or Certificate in Biostatistics or MS in Health Data Analytical programs.

Description: This course provides an introduction to SAS. It will give students an overview of the SAS system under MS Windows and provide fundamental grounding in the environment for accessing, structuring, formatting and manipulating data. Students will learn how to summarize and display data, and the inference between data steps and procedures to get information out of data.

Note: Students interested in this course that do not meet the stated prerequisites should contact the department of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics.

PHST 624 Clinical Trials I: Planning and Design

Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the MS or Certificate in Biostatistics or the MSc or Certificate in Clinical Investigation Sciences.

Description: Phases of Trials, Ethical Issues, Basic Design, Inclusion and Exclusion criteria, Randomization and Blinding, Sample Size, Monitoring Response Variables, and Issues in Data Analysis.

PHST 625 Clinical Trials II

Prerequisite(s): PHST 624.

Description: This course covers sample size and power analysis, survival analysis, sequential design, meta analysis, reporting and interpreting of results, and multicenter trails. SPSS will be used.

PHST 640 Statistical Methods for Research Design in Health Sciences

Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the MS or Certificate in Biostatistics, or PHST 500.

Description: Statistical methods for clinical research and interpretation of the literature.

PHMS 641 Data Mining I

Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the School of Public Health and Information Sciences.

Description: The course is first in a two semester sequence graduate level introduction to data mining/big data analytics. It focuses on practical implementation and interpretation of the most commonly used techniques in analysis of very large datasets.

PHST 661 Probability

Prerequisite(s): Full admission to the MS in Biostatistics or Math major in Graduate School or enrolled in the MS in Health Data Analytics program.

Description: Introduction to probability theory. Topics include axioms of probability, conditional probability, discrete and continuous random variables, probability distributions and joint distributions, moments, moment generating functions, mathematical expectation, transformations of random variables, limit theorems (Law of Large Numbers and Central Limit Theory).

PHST 662 Mathematical Statistics

Prerequisite(s): PHST 661.

Description: A first course in statistical theory. Topics include limiting distributions, maximum likelihood estimation, least squares, sufficiency and completeness, confidence intervals, Bayesian estimation, Neyman-Pearson Lemma, uniformly most powerful tests, likelihood ratio tests and asymptotic distributions.

PHST 675 Independent Study in Biostatistics

Prerequisite(s): PHST 661 and enrolled in the MS in Biostatistics or Math major in Graduate School.

Description: Course allows students to pursue advanced study with faculty guidance on a top

PHST 680 Biostatistical Methods I

Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the MS or Certificate in Biostatistics or Math major in Graduate School, or PHST 501.

Description: A mathematically sophisticated presentation of statistical principles and methods. Topics include exploratory data analysis, graphical methods, point and interval estimation, hypothesis testing, and categorical data analysis. Matrix algebra is required. Data sets drawn from biomedical and public health literature will be analyzed using statistical computer packages.

PHST 681 Biostatistical Methods II

Prerequisite(s): PHST 680.

Description: This course offers a mathematically sophisticated introduction to simple regression models and analysis of variance. Matrix algebra is required and data analysis will be illustrated drawing examples from biomedical and public health literature.

PHST 682 Multivariate Statistics

Prerequisite(s): PHST 662, PHST 564 or equivalent (Math 325).

Description: The topics covered in this course include the multivariate normal distribution, inference for mean vectors, inference for covariance and correlation matrices, analysis of covariance structure, analysis of serial measurements, factor analysis, and discriminant analysis. Statistical methods and models that are most useful in multivariate data analysis will be introduced. Instruction will also be given in the proper use of R to carry out these analyses.

PHST 683 Survival Analysis

Prerequisite(s): PHST 662 and PHST 681.

Description: Statistical methods for analyzing survival data. Parametric and nonparametric methods for complete and incomplete data, life-table, KM estimator, accelerated lifetime models, proportional hazard models, log-rank tests, and goodness-of-fit tests.

PHST 684 Categorical Data Analysis

Prerequisite(s): PHST 680 or enrolled in the MS in Health Data Analytics program.

Description: Topics include inference for two-way contingency tables, models for binary response variables, log-linear models, models for ordinal data, multinominal response data, Poisson regression and analysis of repeated categorical response data. Emphasis will be placed on methods and models most useful in biomedical and public health research.

Featured Faculty

Online Master of Science in Biostatistics FAQs

The set of questions and answers outlined below can help you learn more about our program, delivery method, application and admission process, financial aid options and how to succeed as an online student at UofL. 

  • Is there a specific undergraduate degree required for admission into the Master of Science in Biostatistics?
    No. Admission to the program requires an exposure to statistics -- preferably via a course at a sophomore level or above -- and a background in differential and integral calculus including partial differentiation and multiple integration. Coursework in linear algebra could be required for some electives.
  • Is the Graduate Records Exam (GRE) required for admission?
    No. However, if you have recently taken the GRE we encourage you to submit your scores to us. Also, if you feel as though your transcript doesn't adequately reflect your quantitative training and abilities, scores from the GRE quantitative test can be a helpful addition to an application.
  • Is a foreign credential evaluation of transcripts from international institutions required?
    Yes, we require full credential evaluations for any degree earned outside of the USA. The University of Louisville recommends you have your credentials evaluated by World Education Service (WES) or Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE).
  • What are the English language proficiency requirements for admission?
    Students must achieve a minimum score on the TOEFL exam (550 on the paper-based TOEFL, 213 on the computer-based TOEFL, 79 on the Internet-based TOEFL), a score of 6.5 or better on the IELTS examination, successful passing of an exit examination for the advanced level of an Intensive English as a Second Language Program, a Duolingo English test score of 105 or higher, or an Intensive demonstration of a degree awarded from an institution with instruction primarily in English, as formally documented by an appropriate institutional official.
  • What type of information should be included in the statement of purpose?
    The statement of purpose should cover your background, experiences, and motivations and reason for undertaking graduate work in biostatistics. It is important that this statement describe both your strengths and weaknesses so that the admission committee can make an informed decision regarding admission.
  • What are possible career outcomes?
    There is a very high demand for biostatistical training in many industrial sectors including the insurance, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries, as well as at research institutions and various government agencies (NIH, FDA, Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics etc.). Job growth data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics predict that there will be a 31% increase in the need for statisticians in the next 10 years (https://www.bls.gov/ooh/). Another study by McKinsey Global Institute predicts that the United States will need over 150,000 professionals with expertise in statistical methods by 2018 (www.mckinsey.com). Our graduates have secured employment at Humana, Google, UPS, NIH, Texas Children’s Hospital, and several other major employers in the United States.
  • What are the advantages of an MS in Biostatistics over a Bachelor’s degree in statistics or mathematics?
    Graduates with Master’s degrees in Biostatistics tend to be more attractive to employers in the industrial market than graduates with Bachelor’s degrees are and generally better compensated, too. The 2020 Salary Association of Business, Industry, and Government Statisticians published by the American Statistical Association shows that the median salary for an entry-level employee in industry with a Master’s degree in statistics, biostatistics, or mathematical statistics was $37,000 higher for master’s graduates than bachelor’s graduates.
  • Can the MS degree be completed part-time?
    Yes. Our advisors work with part-time students to develop course plans for completion of the degree.

Academic Year Tuition

$830 per credit hour
$250 per credit hour active-duty tuition rate

This program is a Title IV federal financial aid eligible program. Tuition rate does not include costs associated with a specific course or program, such as textbooks.

Please note that other fees apply – check our tuition page for all applicable costs.

Tuition, fees, and charges are subject to change and effective on the date enacted.For additional information on educational expenses and the Cost of Attendance, please visit the Student Financial Aid Office website.

Tuition, Fees & Aid    

Online Master of Science in Biostatistics Program Highlights

  • Learn rigorous statistical analysis methodology you can apply to any industry.
  • Gain extensive training in statistical computing and data management in the SAS and R statistical software programs.
  • Join one of the very few comprehensive biostatistics programs in the nation.
  • Learn from faculty with distinguished academic credentials and a strong commitment to applied research.
  • Build upon your background—the program is open to individuals with a bachelor’s degree in any field with some exposure to quantitative background (see Apply Now tab for more details).
  • Complete your degree in as few as 3 semesters.



Complete this degree on your own time through fully online coursework and learning tools.

Learn More

Only 12 courses are required for graduation. Math Tools prep course also available in summer.

Learn More

To-date, all graduates of the MSBST program at UofL have found employment in a biostatistics-related role

Online learning video - Master of Science in Biostatistics

"“Statisticians and individuals who are trained in quantitative methods are going to be the invisible force for doing an impeccable job to advance the [data] industry today "


What Can I do with a Master's in Biostatistics?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment for statisticians is expected to grow 30 percent from 2022 to 2032, much faster than the average for all occupations (bls.gov). In addition, the annual median wage was $104,110 in May of 2023. Our master’s in biostatistics opens the door to this booming industry and prepares you to provide statistical insights for the healthcare industry—the third largest employer of statisticians.

Graduates of UofL’s online Master’s in Biostatistics program are prepared to pursue careers in organizations including but not limited to:

  • Pharmaceutical corporations
  • Medical researchers
  • Insurers
  • Government agencies (FDA, NIH, Census Bureau)
  • Universities and research institutions
  • Hospitals and cancer centers


Online MSBST Application Deadlines

Application Deadline Term Start Date
April 1 Summer May
June 30 Fall August

Summer admission is only for student seeking provisional admission to the MS with the requirement to complete our Math Tools sequence in remedial calculus.

Note: Any application completed after the deadline is considered for admission for the next admission term. We recommend you work on and submit your complete application well in advance of the deadline, as obtaining transcripts and other materials may take more time. Summer admission is only for student seeking provisional admission to the MS with the requirement to complete our Math Tools sequence in remedial calculus.

How to Apply for the Online Master of Science in Biostatistics

  1. Start your application for graduate admission
  2. Submit $65 non-refundable application fee
  3. Upload required materials*
  4. Request official transcripts from all previously attended colleges and universities. Transcripts are only accepted directly from the institution(s) by email: gradadm@louisville.edu (recommended) or mail: University of Louisville, Graduate School, 2211 S. Brook St., Louisville, KY 40292.
  5. Create a financial plan


Online Master of Science in Biostatistics Admissions Requirements and Materials

To be considered for admission, applicants must have:

  • a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent from an accredited institution
  • a minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (applicants who do not meet the minimum GPA may inquire about conditional acceptance)

*Required application packet materials include:

  • transcripts showing a degree from an accredited institution in biostatistics, statistics, mathematics, or a related discipline with competency in college level calculus, up to and including multivariable calculus (partial differentiation and multiple integration)
  • students lacking the necessary background in calculus (up to and including multivariable calculus with coverage of partial differentiation and multiple integration) may be conditionally admitted to the MS program under Provisional Probation status and required to complete remedial coursework in calculus, offered by the Department in the University of Louisville’s summer term Math Tools
  • a statement of purpose describing the applicant’s background and interest in biostatistics
  • two letters of recommendation

*Your Application Portal:
Once you have started the graduate application, you can check the status and review any additional checklist to-do items. Log in to your application using the email address you used to apply for admission and your password. Your checklist items may include additional materials or documentation that facilitate a smooth admissions process. You will also have access to important contact information and next steps after an admissions decision is made.

Concerned you don’t have the required mathematics background? Don’t let that hold you back!

Apply today and kick-off your program with our online Math Tools courses to prepare for the mathematical rigor necessary to complete the M.S. in Biostatistics degree.

While completing your Math Tools courses, you can begin working toward your master’s by earning a Certificate in Biostatistics online. The certificate can be completed in tandem with the Math Tools courses (there is no calculus requirement for the certificate program)—with all certificate credits applied toward your degree!

Online MSBST for International Students

The Master’s in Biostatistics program is open to international students. If you live outside of the United States and intend to complete an online academic program from your home country, be sure to review these additional requirements for international students.

  • Transcripts from institutions outside of the United States will require a foreign credential evaluation. View the FAQs for more information.
  • Students whose primary language is not English must show English language proficiency by attaining one of the following:
    • TOEFL examination score at or above 550 (paper based test and a 5.0 on the TWE test), 213 (computer based test), 79 (internet based test)
    • IELTS test score of 6.5 or higher
    • Duolingo English test score of 105 or higher
    • Demonstration of a degree award from an acceptable English language institution, as formally documented by an appropriate institutional official
  • International students will not be issued a U.S. visa, since there are no campus attendance requirements. All courses in the program are taught 100% online, allowing you to attain the entire degree from the comfort of your home and at any time convenient for you, regardless of your current location, anywhere in the world.

For more information on the admission and application process, please contact our Online Learning Enrollment Counselor at 800.871.8635 or by email at online@louisville.edu.

Online MSBST Courses & Requirements

The M.S. in Biostatistics degree is a 33 credit hour program that requires 25 credit hours in core courses with 5 credit hours in electives, and 3 credit hours of public health education. The courses are asynchronous and delivered in standard term lengths.

Core Online Biostatistics Courses

Courses Hours
PHST 661 Probability 3
PHST 680 Biostatistical Methods I 3
PHST 624 Clinical Trials I: Planning and Design 2
PHPH 523 Public Health in the U.S.1 (3)
PHST 662 Mathematical Statistics 3
PHST 681 Biostatistical Methods II 3
PHST 684 Categorical Data Analysis 3
PHST 625 Clinical Trials II 2
PHST 683 Survival Analysis 3
PHST 620 Introduction to Statistical Computing 3
Electives2 5
Total 30

  1. PHPH 523 fulfills the accreditation requirement that all graduates from the School of Public Health and Information Science receive foundational instruction in public health. The three (3) credit hours for PHPH 523 do not accrue toward the 30 credit hours required for MS degree completion. Students with a prior degree and/or coursework from a CEPH accredited school or program of public health may be relieved of this requirement, per approval of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.
  2. Electives are chosen with the approval of a faculty advisor. Students are typically encouraged to select electives from among the following courses from among the following courses:
    • PHST 603 Biostatistics and the School of Public Health and Information Sciences.
    • PHST 640 Statistical Methods for Research Design in Health Sciences
    • PHMS 641 Data Mining I
    • PHST 675 Independent Study in Biostatistics
    • PHST 682 Multivariate Statistical Analysis

Students may also choose elective courses outside of the department in fields related to biostatistics, such as Mathematics, Epidemiology, and Computer Science (subject to approval from faculty advisor). Students are responsible for ensuring they have met the prerequisites for these courses.


Course Descriptions

PHST 603 Biostatistics Public Health Practicum 1

Prerequisite(s): Enrolled in MS in Biostatistics, PH MPH or Math major in Graduate School.

Description: Practical experience in biostatistical collaboration at the master's level, in which a student works with one or more investigators in the health sciences. Students typically engage in the statistical analysis of investigator data sets and are required to generate and present a report to the collaborating investigators.

Course Attribute(s): CBL - This course includes Community-Based Learning (CBL). Students will engage in a community experience or project with an external partner in order to enhance understanding and application of academic content.

PHST 620 Introduction to Statistical Computing

Prerequisite(s): PHST 500 or enrolled in MS or Certificate in Biostatistics or MS in Health Data Analytical programs.

Description: This course provides an introduction to SAS. It will give students an overview of the SAS system under MS Windows and provide fundamental grounding in the environment for accessing, structuring, formatting and manipulating data. Students will learn how to summarize and display data, and the inference between data steps and procedures to get information out of data.

Note: Students interested in this course that do not meet the stated prerequisites should contact the department of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics.

PHST 624 Clinical Trials I: Planning and Design

Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the MS or Certificate in Biostatistics or the MSc or Certificate in Clinical Investigation Sciences.

Description: Phases of Trials, Ethical Issues, Basic Design, Inclusion and Exclusion criteria, Randomization and Blinding, Sample Size, Monitoring Response Variables, and Issues in Data Analysis.

PHST 625 Clinical Trials II

Prerequisite(s): PHST 624.

Description: This course covers sample size and power analysis, survival analysis, sequential design, meta analysis, reporting and interpreting of results, and multicenter trails. SPSS will be used.

PHST 640 Statistical Methods for Research Design in Health Sciences

Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the MS or Certificate in Biostatistics, or PHST 500.

Description: Statistical methods for clinical research and interpretation of the literature.

PHMS 641 Data Mining I

Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the School of Public Health and Information Sciences.

Description: The course is first in a two semester sequence graduate level introduction to data mining/big data analytics. It focuses on practical implementation and interpretation of the most commonly used techniques in analysis of very large datasets.

PHST 661 Probability

Prerequisite(s): Full admission to the MS in Biostatistics or Math major in Graduate School or enrolled in the MS in Health Data Analytics program.

Description: Introduction to probability theory. Topics include axioms of probability, conditional probability, discrete and continuous random variables, probability distributions and joint distributions, moments, moment generating functions, mathematical expectation, transformations of random variables, limit theorems (Law of Large Numbers and Central Limit Theory).

PHST 662 Mathematical Statistics

Prerequisite(s): PHST 661.

Description: A first course in statistical theory. Topics include limiting distributions, maximum likelihood estimation, least squares, sufficiency and completeness, confidence intervals, Bayesian estimation, Neyman-Pearson Lemma, uniformly most powerful tests, likelihood ratio tests and asymptotic distributions.

PHST 675 Independent Study in Biostatistics

Prerequisite(s): PHST 661 and enrolled in the MS in Biostatistics or Math major in Graduate School.

Description: Course allows students to pursue advanced study with faculty guidance on a top

PHST 680 Biostatistical Methods I

Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in the MS or Certificate in Biostatistics or Math major in Graduate School, or PHST 501.

Description: A mathematically sophisticated presentation of statistical principles and methods. Topics include exploratory data analysis, graphical methods, point and interval estimation, hypothesis testing, and categorical data analysis. Matrix algebra is required. Data sets drawn from biomedical and public health literature will be analyzed using statistical computer packages.

PHST 681 Biostatistical Methods II

Prerequisite(s): PHST 680.

Description: This course offers a mathematically sophisticated introduction to simple regression models and analysis of variance. Matrix algebra is required and data analysis will be illustrated drawing examples from biomedical and public health literature.

PHST 682 Multivariate Statistics

Prerequisite(s): PHST 662, PHST 564 or equivalent (Math 325).

Description: The topics covered in this course include the multivariate normal distribution, inference for mean vectors, inference for covariance and correlation matrices, analysis of covariance structure, analysis of serial measurements, factor analysis, and discriminant analysis. Statistical methods and models that are most useful in multivariate data analysis will be introduced. Instruction will also be given in the proper use of R to carry out these analyses.

PHST 683 Survival Analysis

Prerequisite(s): PHST 662 and PHST 681.

Description: Statistical methods for analyzing survival data. Parametric and nonparametric methods for complete and incomplete data, life-table, KM estimator, accelerated lifetime models, proportional hazard models, log-rank tests, and goodness-of-fit tests.

PHST 684 Categorical Data Analysis

Prerequisite(s): PHST 680 or enrolled in the MS in Health Data Analytics program.

Description: Topics include inference for two-way contingency tables, models for binary response variables, log-linear models, models for ordinal data, multinominal response data, Poisson regression and analysis of repeated categorical response data. Emphasis will be placed on methods and models most useful in biomedical and public health research.

Featured Faculty

Online Master of Science in Biostatistics FAQs

The set of questions and answers outlined below can help you learn more about our program, delivery method, application and admission process, financial aid options and how to succeed as an online student at UofL. 

  • Is there a specific undergraduate degree required for admission into the Master of Science in Biostatistics?
    No. Admission to the program requires an exposure to statistics -- preferably via a course at a sophomore level or above -- and a background in differential and integral calculus including partial differentiation and multiple integration. Coursework in linear algebra could be required for some electives.
  • Is the Graduate Records Exam (GRE) required for admission?
    No. However, if you have recently taken the GRE we encourage you to submit your scores to us. Also, if you feel as though your transcript doesn't adequately reflect your quantitative training and abilities, scores from the GRE quantitative test can be a helpful addition to an application.
  • Is a foreign credential evaluation of transcripts from international institutions required?
    Yes, we require full credential evaluations for any degree earned outside of the USA. The University of Louisville recommends you have your credentials evaluated by World Education Service (WES) or Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE).
  • What are the English language proficiency requirements for admission?
    Students must achieve a minimum score on the TOEFL exam (550 on the paper-based TOEFL, 213 on the computer-based TOEFL, 79 on the Internet-based TOEFL), a score of 6.5 or better on the IELTS examination, successful passing of an exit examination for the advanced level of an Intensive English as a Second Language Program, a Duolingo English test score of 105 or higher, or an Intensive demonstration of a degree awarded from an institution with instruction primarily in English, as formally documented by an appropriate institutional official.
  • What type of information should be included in the statement of purpose?
    The statement of purpose should cover your background, experiences, and motivations and reason for undertaking graduate work in biostatistics. It is important that this statement describe both your strengths and weaknesses so that the admission committee can make an informed decision regarding admission.
  • What are possible career outcomes?
    There is a very high demand for biostatistical training in many industrial sectors including the insurance, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries, as well as at research institutions and various government agencies (NIH, FDA, Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics etc.). Job growth data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics predict that there will be a 31% increase in the need for statisticians in the next 10 years (https://www.bls.gov/ooh/). Another study by McKinsey Global Institute predicts that the United States will need over 150,000 professionals with expertise in statistical methods by 2018 (www.mckinsey.com). Our graduates have secured employment at Humana, Google, UPS, NIH, Texas Children’s Hospital, and several other major employers in the United States.
  • What are the advantages of an MS in Biostatistics over a Bachelor’s degree in statistics or mathematics?
    Graduates with Master’s degrees in Biostatistics tend to be more attractive to employers in the industrial market than graduates with Bachelor’s degrees are and generally better compensated, too. The 2020 Salary Association of Business, Industry, and Government Statisticians published by the American Statistical Association shows that the median salary for an entry-level employee in industry with a Master’s degree in statistics, biostatistics, or mathematical statistics was $37,000 higher for master’s graduates than bachelor’s graduates.
  • Can the MS degree be completed part-time?
    Yes. Our advisors work with part-time students to develop course plans for completion of the degree.

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