The online Bachelor’s in Business Administration in Accountancy from UofL is a 120 credit hour program, offered 100% online. Courses are delivered asynchronously, in standard term length. The program is organized into the following curriculum components:
*Students enrolled in the BBA or BSBA program in good standing, who successfully complete these four courses, can earn an undergraduate certificate in Franchise Management while still enrolled in their respective bachelor’s program.
ACCT 301 Intermediate Accounting I
Deals with financial reporting as reflected in Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. The course will discuss the theoretical underpinnings and the practical applications of income determination and balance sheet valuations. Focus is on the accounting cycle and the nature of the financial statements.
ACCT 302 Intermediate Accounting II
A continuation of the study of income determination and balance sheet valuations which was begun in ACCT 301.
ACCT 310 Introduction to Accounting Information Systems
An introduction to Accounting Information Systems, covering systems and control concepts, procedures and technologies, as well as systems development processes and software applications.
ACCT 315 Introduction to Taxation
An introduction to the laws and regulations relating to federal taxation. The course covers individual and general business tax problems from the point of view of the accountant. Tax research methodology is also introduced.
ACCT 320 Managerial Cost Accounting
Accumulating, reporting, and analyzing costs from the point of view of the management accountant. Emphasis is placed on the determination of costs relevant to a specific purpose, whether inventory valuation, control of current operation, or special decisions.
ACCT 397 Co-op in Accounting I
A new workplace experience in an approved Accounting position which offers a progression of learning in a level-appropriate opportunity for practical application of classroom theory and tools.Note: Application to the co-op program and completion of orientation processes should be accomplished prior to employment.
ACCT 411 Advanced Accounting Information Systems
Coverage includes advanced data base concepts, the design and evaluation of a computerized information system, and operational and managerial auditing.
ACCT 430 Auditing Theory and Practice
A survey of the role of the certified public accountant as independent auditor of financial statements. Topics include professional ethics, generally accepted auditing standards, legal liability, statistical sampling, audits of EDP systems, internal control, audit work programs, and the auditor's opinion.
ACCT 353 Accounting for Not-For-Profit Organizations
The application of accounting to governmental units, charitable organizations, hospitals, and universities. Subjects include budgeting, account structure, utilization of accounting in decision making, financial statement presentation, and an introduction to cost-benefit analysis.
ACCT 401 Advanced Accounting Problems
A study of partnerships, business combinations, consolidated financial statements, and accounting for multinational enterprises.
ACCT 415 Advanced Taxation
A study in detail of the Federal taxation problems relating to partnerships, corporations, estates, and trusts. Text material is supplemented by tax return preparation and research case studies.
ACCT 420 Advanced Managerial Cost Accounting
A continuation of ACCT 320, with emphasis on accounting decision models using uncertainty, the behavioral aspects of performance evaluation, and the management accountant's response to the changing manufacturing environment.
MGMT 404 Project Management
This course will describe the use of projects to support business objectives in modern organizations. Topics to be covered include the selection of projects, their initiation, implementation, control and termination. The roles of the project manager and project team members will be covered as well.
ACCT 441 Financial Statement Analysis
Understanding financial statements is critical for making informed decisions in the business world. This course provides a framework and explores the techniques used to analyze the economic condition of firms using financial statements. Specifically, students will study financial statements and their related footnotes in order to understand the purpose of financial reporting, the preparation process of quarterly and annual reports, and how to use the information contained in financial statements to perform analysis and forecasts.
ACCT 402 CPA Prep: Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR)
Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR) is one of three core CPA Exam sections required of all CPA candidates. FAR focuses on the financial statements for both for-profit companies as well as not-for-profit organizations. That includes topics like SEC reporting and earnings per share; financial ratios and performance metrics, both calculating them and interpreting what they mean; deep dives into balance sheet accounts like cash, receivables, investments, payables, and equity; and a wide range of financial transactions like revenue recognition, accounting changes, and fair value measurement. Data and technology concepts: verifying the completeness and accuracy of source data used to prepare financial statements; using various sources of information to prepare supporting schedules for account balances.
ACCT 403 CPA Prep: Auditing and Attestation (AUD)
Auditing and Attestation (AUD) is one of three core CPA Exam sections required of all CPA candidates. AUD starts with the ABCs of auditing: the AICPA code of professional conduct and other ethical requirements. This section also covers the COSO framework, internal controls, and assessing risk and materiality. AUD follows the entire audit process, including pre-engagement activities and planning the audit; audit procedures, gathering appropriate evidence, and sampling; and forming audit opinions and preparing reports. Data and technology concepts: understanding how data is structured and flows through underlying systems; analyzing the outputs of data analytic tools to assist in risk assessment or audit procedures.
ACCT 404 CPA Prep: Taxation and Regulation (REG)
Taxation and Regulation (REG) is one of three core CPA Exam sections required of all CPA candidates. REG covers business law and U.S. federal tax requirements for individuals and entities. Federal taxation of individuals uses the individual tax formula to arrive at AGI and taxable income. Federal taxation of entities includes book to tax differences along with issues applicable to S and C corporations, LLCs, and tax-exempt organizations. Data and technology concepts: verifying the completeness and accuracy of source data used to prepare tax returns and supporting schedules; analyzing outputs of automated validation checks that highlight potential errors.
ACCT 405 CPA Prep: Tax Compliance and Planning (TCP)
Tax Compliance and Planning (TCP) is one of three discipline CPA Exam sections available for CPA candidates to take (all candidates must pass one discipline section). The focus of the TCP discipline includes taxation topics involving more advanced individual and entity tax compliance. Content focused on personal financial planning and entity planning, inclusions and exclusions to gross income, and gift taxation compliance and planning could also be covered. Coverage of advanced entity tax compliance might include consolidated tax returns, multijurisdictional tax issues, and transactions between an entity and its owners. The tax treatments of the formation and liquidation of business entities could also be included in entity planning. Data and technology concepts: verifying the completeness and accuracy of source data used to prepare tax returns and supporting schedules.
ACCT 406 CPA Prep: Information Systems and Controls (ISC)
Information Systems and Controls (ISC) is one of three discipline CPA Exam sections available for CPA candidates to take (all candidates must pass one discipline section). Technology and business controls is a focus of the ISC discipline. CPA candidates who are interested in assurance or advisory services related to business processes, information systems, information security and governance, and IT audits are encouraged to choose this discipline. Content for this discipline is focused on IT and data governance, internal control testing, and information system security, including network security, software access, and endpoint security. Data and technology concepts: understanding data management; recognizing the data life cycle, including data collection, storage, and usage.
ACCT 407 CPA Prep: Business Analysis and Reporting (BAR)
Business Analysis & Reporting (BAR) is one of three discipline CPA Exam sections available for CPA candidates to take (all candidates must pass one discipline section). CPA Candidates who are interested in assurance or advisory services, financial statement analysis and reporting, technical accounting, and financial and operations management should consider the BAR discipline. The content in the BAR discipline includes a data analytics focus and assesses topics like financial risk management and financial planning techniques. BAR could also include more advanced technical accounting and reporting topics, including assessment of revenue recognition and leases, business combinations, derivatives and hedge accounting, as well as employee benefit plan financial statements. Data and technology concepts: transforming data to make it useful for decision making; determining attribute structures, formats, and sources of data needed to prepare financial statement analysis; identifying patterns.