Employee Resource Groups

The university hosts a number of employee resource groups (ERGs) that support our vision to be a great place to work. ERGs promote a climate of inclusion and provide a place where employees can come together to network, create a strong sense of community, and share their concerns with others. 

Employee Resource Groups

Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander Faculty & Staff Association

The Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander Faculty & Staff Association aims to build community, promote diversity, and champion action and change. Faculty and staff who identify as AAPI and those who are interested in supporting are all welcome to join.
• Please fill out the new Member Form if interested in joining.
• If you have any additional questions, please contact aapifsa@louisville.edu.

Black Faculty/Staff Association

BFSAThe mission of the Black Faculty/Staff Association (BFSA) is to promote unity, provide support and build community among Black faculty, staff, and students at the University of Louisville. In addition, through advocacy and collaborative efforts, BFSA exists to enhance communication and champion diversity, inclusion, opportunity and social justice—while challenging racism—within the University, with our Black alumni and broader Black community.  JOIN US!  Visit the Black Faculty/Staff Association website for more information.

Hispanic Latino Faculty and Staff Association


The Hispanic Latino Faculty and Staff Association (HLFSA) advises the President and the University of Louisville community on the nature of issues and needs confronting the Hispanic/Latino Faculty, Staff, and Students in the University; provide assistance in evaluating University programs as they pertain to the Hispanic/Latino community; provide input to University and City of Louisville officials; and assist the Hispanic/Latino community to make the University system more accessible. It began operating in 2011. Every Hispanic/Latino UofL Faculty or Staff belongs to the Association. HLFSA meets every other month alternating locations between the Belknap Campus and the Heath Sciences Center. Visit the Hispanic Latino Faculty and Staff Association website for more information.

LGBTQ+ Faculty and Staff Association


The LGBTQ+ Faculty and Staff Association strives to foster an environment that is open, safe, and inclusive of people of all sexualities and gender identities. Our aim is to advocate for and advance equity for LGBTQ+ people on campus and in the community. The group’s focus is on issues that affect employees, but it also collaborates with student groups to support other equity efforts on campus. The group has an active email distribution list and works in close collaboration with the LGBT Center.  for more information.

Parenting Network

The Parenting Network offers support and resources that empower UofL employees who are parents or guardians. We work to influence university policy and practice in order to promote an inclusive and equitable campus community of care. Please visit the Parenting Network website to connect with us and find ways to get involved.


UofL Women’s Network

Women's Network

Join the Women's Network ERG: Empowering Excellence! At the University of Louisville, we're dedicated to fostering an environment where every woman can thrive personally and professionally. That's why we're proud to welcome you to the Women's Network ERG - an inclusive organization committed to empowering women faculty and staff to reach their fullest potential. Our mission is clear: to encourage and promote the personal and professional development of women at UofL. Through collaborative efforts with university partners, we provide a platform for women to access valuable resources, information, and networking opportunities. We are here to help find friends across campus! Our goals are ambitious: fostering relationships, building richer connections, and providing career advancement opportunities. Together, we strive to create an environment where every woman can excel and grow. Join our Team on Microsoft Teams where we highlight exciting events around Louisville and on campus.

2024 Events: Women’s Network Social Hike - Coming Soon in late August! Details to be announced soon via Teams!

Women’s Network After Hours - Coming Soon in September! Details to be announced soon via Teams!

Creepy Campus Tour - October 30th, 2024 5:30-8pm Meet at the Red Barn at 5:30 for a happy hour with light refreshments. Join us for a spine-tingling adventure through the haunted history of our campus, where you'll network with fellow members and enjoy a frightfully fun evening of camaraderie and connection. Using public records and the UofL Library Archives, true stories from UofL Staff and Faculty from Belknap and HSC, and knowledge from our campus Archivist, Tom Owens, you’ll experience sides of campus that you didn’t know existed!

We’d love to learn more about you and your interests too! If you would like to serve in a leadership role or on a committee for the Women’s Network, please fill out this form and we will be in touch!.

Young and Emerging Professionals (YEP)


The University of Louisville’s Young and Emerging Professionals (YEP) group strives to support the personal and professional development of “young” professionals (ages 40 or below) or “emerging” professionals who are new to UofL or new to a particular career path, etc. Note: These definitions are not meant to be exclusive. If you identify with either of these terms, you are welcome to join us!

This groups works in close collaboration with the Office of Employee Development and Success. Visit the UofL Young and Emerging Professionals website for more information.

Employee Resource Group Frequently Asked Questions

What is an employee resource group (ERG)?

Through regular meetings, events, and networking opportunities, ERGs bring people together and create a spirit of community that leads to a sense of greater wellbeing. Employee resource groups (ERGs) are voluntary, employee-led groups made up of people who come together around their common interests, backgrounds or identities. They are usually focused on creating strong connections and networks of support for their members and can be powerful tools for helping new employees learn their way around the university. ERGs that focus on a shared identity can also help mitigate the isolation that an employee might feel when they are the "only one like me" who works in their unit.

Can I attend if I don't share the same background or identity as the members of an ERG?

ERGs are open to everyone interested in promoting the purpose and mission of the group and committed to creating a welcoming, inclusive community. The term "ally" refers to someone who actively works and advocates on behalf of a group or identity with whom they do not identify. As an ally, you have a critical role to play in making the university a great place to work for everyone and can be an important contributor to an ERG. Here are a few suggestions for how to be an ally and support ERGs:
- Focus on listening to the experiences of others without challenging or interrupting.
- Educate yourself and take proactive steps to learn more. Don't wait for others to teach you.
- Be an ally in the places where you have the most influence. Advocate for marginalized groups, especially when they aren't in the room.
- Be okay with making mistakes and remember that it's part of learning. When others point them out to you, remain open to the feedback.
- Cultivate new allies by talking to others who share your identity about what you have learned.

Employee Support Groups

Caregiver Support Group

The Caregiver support group is organized by the University of Louisville Trager Institute. Currently the UofL Employee Caregiver Program is on Thursdays from 12-1pm on zoom. Register here.

If anyone is interested in joining a support group, future training, case management, or counseling please complete this interest form.

Pathways to Parenthood

Pathways to Parenthood is an inclusive group for employees on exceptional paths to becoming parents. Members may be navigating adoption, assisted reproductive technologies, surrogacy, fostering, or other avenues. This group aims to connect those taking similar paths and to influence university policy and practice to promote a campus community that supports the people on them. Please please complete this interest form.for more information.

Neurodiverse Employees

If you are interested in learning more about this support group, please email employeesuccess@louisville.edu

Parents of LGBT Children

If you are interested in learning more about this support group, please email employeesuccess@louisville.edu


Upcoming ERG events