Cardinal Core Curriculum Committee (CCCC)

The Cardinal Core Curriculum Committee (CCCC), formerly the General Education Curriculum Committee (GECC), became active in summer 2018.

The function of the Cardinal Core Curriculum Committee (CCCC) is to oversee the implementation and ongoing development of the university-wide Cardinal Core Program and to review and study the overall program and the courses offered. The committee consists of the following voting members:

  • 2 undergraduate student members (from two different units) appointed annually by the Student Government Association
  • 7 faculty members designated in the College of Arts and Sciences (one representative to be elected by the entire faculty from each division of Humanities, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences; one representative to be appointed from each of the Cardinal Core areas of Written Communication, Oral Communication and Quantitative Reasoning; and one representative from the college's Curriculum Committee to be elected by that committee)
  • 2 faculty members elected in the Speed School of Engineering
  • 2 faculty members elected in the College of Business
  • 1 faculty member elected in the School of Dentistry
  • 1 faculty member elected in the College of Education and Human Development
  • 1 faculty member elected in the School of Music
  • 1 faculty member elected in the School of Nursing
  • 1 faculty member elected in the School of Public Health and Information Sciences
  • 1 faculty member elected in the Kent School of Social Work
  • 1 faculty member elected in University Libraries

Full Explanation of Function and Structure (PDF)

2024-25 Committee Roster


Assessment Reports

Cardinal Core Course List (PDF)

Archived General Education Course Lists