Cardinal Core Program
The General Education Task Force was appointed by the Provost in 2014 to review the existing General Education Program and to make recommendations for improvement to ensure that all students have a strong liberal arts and sciences core at the heart of their curriculum. The Task Force was asked to consider the values of the university and the knowledge, skills and collegiate experiences that our students require to be key decision-makers and productive workers in a democratic society.
The Task Force researched best practices in General Education and gathered feedback from key stakeholders (faculty, staff, administrators, alumni, and employers). Based on the findings of this work, the committee proposed the Cardinal Core Program.
Cardinal Core Program Proposal (PDF) - (Approved February 2017)
Cardinal Core Course Codes, General Education Requirements, and Student Learning Outcomes (PDF)
The program was approved in February 2017 by all academic units, and the General Education Curriculum Committee (GECC) reviewed course proposals for Cardinal Core courses through the fall of 2017. The list of approved Cardinal Core courses (PDF) for academic year 2018-19 is now available.