
Our Immunology Core allows for the expert analyses of immune responses to infectious diseases caused by various BSL2 or BSL3 pathogens. We also offer expertise in the development of assays for novel pathogens and multiple laboratory animal models. Areas of research include but are not limited to:

  • Antibody responses
  • Cell-cycle analyses
  • Lymphoproliferation
  • Live cell sorting
  • Multi-color phenotypic analyses
  • Multiplexed cytokine assays
  • Blood chemistry and cellular differentials

The Immunology Core works closely with our other core facilities to lend expert support for down-stream processing and analysis, examples of which include:

  • BIO-Imaging Core to design molecular markers and cellular tracers to investigate disease progression using in vivo and in vitro models.
  • Animal Core to carefully isolate a variety of tissues from animal models for characterization of immunological components.
  • Microbiology Core to process samples for IFA and cryotome sectioning with IHC and histological staining.
  • HT Biology Core to design assays using novel cytometric techniques.

BD FACSAria™ II System
Four lasers (405-nm, 488-nm, 561-nm and 635-nm) providing up to 12 colors for phenotypic analysis, intracellular cytokine staining, and live-cell sorting.

Luminex FLEXMAP™ 3D System
Multiplex up to 500 analytes per well with 96- and 384-well capabilities for multispecies cytockine/chemokine analysis.

Drew Scientific Hemavet™ 950FS
Allows for multispecies RBC, WBC, and platelet counts.

Abaxis Piccolo™
Provides multispecies blood chemistry analysis.

Bioteck EL406 Microtiter Plate Washer
Configured for processing 96-or 384-well plates.

Our expert staff will work with you to determine the most cost-effective full-service assays to meet your research needs. Direct use options for select instruments are also available. Please contact us for current pricing options and reagent availability.

William E. Severson, Ph.D.
Director, Shared Resources
Center for Predictive Medicine
Phone: (502) 852-1546
Email: William Severson

Daniel E. Cramer, Ph.D.
Immunology Core Manager
Center for Predictive Medicine
Phone: (502) 852-5596
Email: Daniel Cramer

Jon Gabbard, Ph.D.
Program Manager
Center for Predictive Medicine
Phone: (502) 852-1365
Email: Jon Gabbard