What is the University Policy and Procedure Library?
The Policy and Procedure Library is an easily accessible and searchable repository of all current university-wide administrative policies and associated procedures. The President's Cabinet is responsible for oversight and maintenance of the University's Policy and Procedure Library.
What is an Administrative Policy?
An Administrative Policy is a written statement of policy with broad application throughout the University. Administrative policies provide for the general administration and oversight of the University and must be approved by the President's Leadership Team.
What is a Departmental Policy?
A Departmental Policy is one that applies only to the operation of an individual department or unit within the University. Departmental Policy may exist in order to promote operational efficiencies or enhance the mission of the department or unit, but is not broadly applicable throughout the University. Departmental Policy can address subjects that are not addressed by Governing Policy or Administrative Policy and may supplement, but must not be in conflict with, Governing Policy or Administrative Policy
What is a University Procedure?
A University procedure is strictly operational. Procedures contain a series of consecutive action steps related to a policy that specifies how a particular policy should be carried out. Procedures may have detailed instructions, definitions, and/or forms that facilitate policy compliance. Procedures should be approved by the highest level individual within a Unit or Department with responsibility for said procedure.
What is the process for approval and development of an Administrative Policy?
The President's Leadership Team is the designated approval authority for the development of a university-wide administrative policy. For establishing a new policy or revising an existing University Administrative Policy, refer to the Policy Resources tab. You will find the policy Developing University Administrative Policies, the policy creation and approval process, downloadable templates, as well as guidance in this section.
How do I find a policy or procedure within the University Policy and Procedure Library?
Find the information you need by using the "Search this site" in the upper right-hand corner of the Policy and Procedure Library website. Search the collection by topic, keyword index, policy name, policy number or department. You may also search policies or associated procedures by selecting one of the eight categories located on the Policy and Procedure Library homepage.
What if I am unable to find the policy or procedure that I am looking for?
For assistance with locating a policy or procedure, please contact the Institutional Compliance Office for further guidance via email to policies@louisville.edu or phone (502) 852-5709.
Who do I contact for help if I do not understand a policy or procedure?
For questions specific to policy or procedure content, please contact the responsible university department or division identified on the policy or procedure.
Who do I contact if I have a compliance concern with a policy or procedure?
For policy or procedure compliance concerns, please contact the responsible university department or division identified on the policy or procedure. If the responsible university department or division is not able to resolve your concerns, you may report non-compliance with policy and procedures to the University Integrity and Compliance Office via email to compliance@louisville.edu or phone (502) 852-5709 or you may report your compliance concerns to the university's Compliance Hotline via web based reporting option or call toll free 1-877-852-1167. The Compliance Hotline is operated by a third-party vendor and you have the option to report anonymously.
Who do I contact regarding questions or concerns I have with information published on this website?
Please, email policies@louisville.edu.