Pol-New Vendor Requirements

policy new vendor requirements modified Wed Oct 12 2022 10:12:12 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

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University of Louisville



New Vendor Requirements


January 26, 2009


This policy applies to all University Employees (administrators, faculty, and staff).


Domestic Vendors

W-9 and Vendor Survey Forms are required for all new vendors. This does not include employee or active student reimbursements, and it also does not include refunds to individuals. All other reimbursements require new vendor paperwork. For refunds, please submit appropriate documentation showing the original deposit/payment (processed Bursar’s Transmittal Sheet, deposit ticket with log, credit card log, patient account payment posting, University report showing individual payment, etc.).

For PO-related purchases, please submit the W-9 and vendor survey to the Controller’s Office. The documents can be faxed to 852-8228 or sent via campus mail to the Controller's Office, Attn: Vendor Database Specialists. Please note on the paperwork that the vendor will be used for a PO-related purchase.

For non-PO related purchases, please attach the W-9 and vendor survey form to the Request for Disbursement. The vendor will be approved once all applicable paperwork has been received in the Controller’s Office. Please do not send these documents separately (or multiple sets) to the Controller’s Office.

Foreign Vendors

The W-8BEN form and Foreign Vendor Survey are required for all new foreign vendors.

(Please keep in mind that payment to foreign individuals for services performed in the US will continue to be paid via Payroll. Reimbursements to foreign individuals will continue to be paid via the Controller’s Office and will follow the proceeding policy.)

These forms are required before any new foreign vendor can be approved. Should the foreign vendor notify you that one of the other W-8 forms (W-8ECI or W-8INY) is more applicable to their organizational structure, please obtain the applicable version. Please note that this requirement also pertains to wire payments.

Please contact the applicable Vendor Database Specialist with any questions.


Vice President for Finance and CFO


Controller’s Office
Service Complex
Louisville, KY 40292
Phone: 502.852.7072
E-Mail: controll@louisville.edu


Revised Date: August 22, 2014

Reviewed Date: August 22, 2014

The University Policy and Procedure Library is updated regularly. In order to ensure a printed copy of this document is current, please access it online at http://louisville.edu/policies.