The Master of Science in Health Administration is a 57 credit hour program, broken down into 20 courses. All courses are delivered 100% online, asynchronously in 8-week terms.
PHMS 505 Governance and Management of Healthcare Organizations
This course seeks to provide the student with an understanding of organizations and leadership from dominant ways of thinking about them to ways informed by a complexity perspective. Course participants will read about and discuss a broad range of perspectives about what constitutes an organization and leadership of it. Particular attention will be given to the organizational experiences of the student and the class.
PHMS 509 Health Finance and Financial Management
This course is designed to provide an overview of health finance and financial management, including context of health finance and the approaches and processes involved in managing the health enterprise.
PHMS 520 Foundations of Public Health in Health Management
This course is designed to introduce new students in academic public health programs (MS and PhD) to the field of Public Health in the United States. It provides a broad overview of the field of public health, a focused look at the core areas of epidemiology and biostatistics, health promotion, environmental health, and health care administration.
PHMS 610 Health Policy and Analysis
This course is designed to introduce students to health policy, mechanisms through which policy is made at the state and federal level, and strategies for health policy analysis.
PHMS 620 Healthcare Strategic Management
This course offers an introduction to strategic management within contemporary healthcare organizations and markets. Lectures and assignments will focus on various topics including organizational strategy formulation, implementation, and evaluation.
PHMS 625 Population Health Management
This course will introduce managing the health of populations. Population health can be defined by geography and demographics. Examples of defined populations include: the population within the catchment area of a hospital, the members of a health maintenance organization, the persons served by an accountable care organization, and the population employed in a workplace. Improving the health of populations has always been a high priority for public health professionals but has been less of a priority for managers of health care organizations, with their focus on the acute-care needs of individual patients.
PHMS 630 Human Resource Management in the Public Health Sector
The purpose of this course is to provide the master’s degree/PhD student in public health and health care fields an overview of Human Resources Management. This will include looking at the framework of human resources management in various settings; planning and developing a competent workforce in various settings; and practice in techniques for training, mentoring and evaluating employees as well as a range of disciplinary actions.
PHMS 635 Health Law and Ethics
This course provides an overview of major contemporary legal and ethical issues related to administrative decision making in health care and population health.
PHMS 662 Health Economics
The course uses principles of microeconomic analysis to study health care systems: demand for medical services; role of health insurance; productivity/cost measurement; labor markets and competition.
PHMS 681 Population Health Quantitative Methods
The goal of the course is to build quantitative analysis foundations for students in health management emphasizing decision-making using health data. The course provides an overview of basic quantitative analysis techniques, and discusses a variety of quantitative analysis tools.
PHMS 682 Population Health Information Management
This course is designed to introduce students to key concepts and issues surrounding the adoption and use of information systems for population health management.
PHMS 680 Health Management Leadership Seminar
The course bridges MPH concentration in Population Health Management coursework and the world of practice with a focus on developing career planning and professional skills.
PHMS 683 Healthcare Quality Management
This course is designed to introduce students to key concepts and issues surrounding the adoption and use of information systems and the use of quality assessment processes within health care organizations.
PHMS 684 Project Management for Population Health
This course is designed to introduce students to key concepts and methodologies involved in managing projects and the use of specific project management tools and processes within health care organizations.
PHMS 685 Health Operations Management and Science
This course introduces and reviews the field of operations management as applied to healthcare organizations. It demonstrates the important relationship between operations research and the management science of complex healthcare delivery organizations.
PHMS 687 Managerial Accounting for Healthcare Managers
This course provides an overview of the principles and processes of managerial accounting and organizational finance within the healthcare marketplace. Lectures, assignments, and case studies will focus on various topics including financial statement analysis, costing, pricing, planning, budgeting, and financial risk analysis.
PHMS 688 Healthcare Marketing
This course offers an introduction to marketing and marketing strategy within the healthcare system. Lectures and assignments will focus on various topics including strategy formulation, environmental analysis, and market assessment.
PHMS 689 Insurance and Alternative Payment Models
This course is designed to provide students an analysis of the U.S. health insurance and payment system. Specific topics include health plan types and characteristics, population health alternative financing models, premium setting, and reimbursement of health providers.
PHMS 690 MSHA Capstone
This course is an integrative learning experience drawing on all competencies presented in the MSHA program. It requires the students to work independently as a member of a team to complete a comprehensive and relevant business plan for a healthcare-related organization and to successfully pass an oral examination.
PHMS 694 Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Healthcare
This course is designed to enhance and improve student techniques and skills in entrepreneurship as applied to business venture development in healthcare markets. The focus is the student "being" an entrepreneur and acquiring the skills necessary to evaluate, plan, and develop business opportunities. Assignments should be treated as if the future of an organization or community depends on the success of the venture. The course will enable students to define the nature, skills, and spirit of entrepreneurs, evaluate and practice entrepreneurship, and conduct market research to develop an innovative and viable business model. Students will learn to conduct market analysis to identify competitors and industry trends. Class activities will identify and evaluate different sources of financing for startups and financial factors of successful businesses.