The online Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine is a 30 credit hour (10 course) program, with each course delivered in a 15-week course format (fall/spring) or 10-week (summer), 100% online. Each student must take 8 core courses (24 credit hours) and 2 elective courses (6 credit hours). Some of the courses are offered only in the spring, fall or summer semesters, therefore, it is important to work with your academic advisor on mapping out the best course for degree completion. Students will need to maintain at least a 3.0 GPA or higher for graduate courses to satisfy the degree requirements. All program requirements must be completed within six years of admission into the program.
BE 540: Machine Learning in Medicine
Topics: 1) fundamentals of medical data, 2) application of machine learning models & algorithms to medicine, 3) learning from data & classification of disorders, and 4) overview of health data, collection with sensors, body area networks, brain image data and other publicly available medical applications data. Students will learn about machine learning applications to real world medical data through examples and reading papers. Students are expected to work on a team project and write technical reports.
BE 542: Medical Image Computing
Fundamentals of 2-D and 3-D image computing, application of image computing algorithms to medical images, enhancement and restoration of 2-D and 3-D medical data, and fundamentals of machine vision and medical data visualization. Students will learn image restoration, computer vision and visualization techniques with applications to medical data through examples and reading papers. Students are expected to work on a team project and write technical reports.
BE 604: Introduction to AI in Medicine
This course covers: 1) fundamentals of artificial intelligence, 2) solving problems by searching agents, 3) concepts of knowledge, logic, reasoning, and planning in AI, 4) machine learning concepts and different forms of learning and applications, and 5) data privacy and ethics in AI. Students will learn different ways to solve problems by automated searching approaches and using learning agents in machine learning with different applications in medicine. Students are expected to work on a team project and write technical reports.
BE 691: Non-thesis design/ Research project
Design or research project involving a literature search, project planning, design objectives, fabrication and/or experimentation, analysis, technical report writing, and oral presentation under a faculty member's guidance. Final technical report must be presented orally to course instructor and faculty mentor for graded evaluation.
Course Attribute(s): CBL - This course includes Community-Based Learning (CBL). Students will engage in a community experience or project with an external partner to enhance understanding and application of academic content.
PHMS 641: Data Mining I
The course is the first in a two-semester sequence graduate level introduction to data mining/big data analytics. It focuses on practical implementation and interpretation of the most common techniques in analysis of large datasets.
PHMS 642: Data Mining II (Prerequisite(s): PHMS 641)
This is the second of a two-semester graduate level course on data mining/big data analytics. It focuses on practical implementation and interpretation of the most common techniques in analysis of large datasets.
PHST 620: Introduction to Statistical Computing
This course provides an introduction to SAS. It will give students an overview of the SAS system under MS Windows and provide fundamental grounding in the environment for accessing, structuring, formatting and manipulating data. Students will learn how to summarize and display data, and the inference between data steps and procedures to get information out of data.
PHST 680: Biostatistical Methods I
A mathematically sophisticated presentation of statistical principles and methods. Topics include exploratory data analysis, graphical methods, point and interval estimation, hypothesis testing, and categorical data analysis. Matrix algebra is required. Data sets drawn from biomedical and public health literature will be analyzed using statistical computer packages.
Elective Course Decscriptions
BE 530: Machine Learning in Python
This course covers programming concepts in Python, machine learning concepts, and application of machine learning into biomedical and other problems using Python. Students will learn about the most applicable Python libraries that deal with different machine learning tools. Students are expected to work on a team project and write technical reports.
BE 543: Computer Tools for Medical Image Analysis
This course covers: 1) Essential computer software that can be used for handling all types of medical data, 2) advanced computer software that is used for medical image analysis, such as segmentation, registration, motion correction, etc., and 3) development of comprehensive computer-aided diagnosis systems based on these ready-to-go software packages.
BE 544: Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Digital Pathology
Prerequisite(s): BE 542 & skills in programming languages R and Python; or consent of instructor.This course provides both theoretical and practical information about computer vision and AI techniques required to process and analyze microscopic images as a part of the evolving transition to digital pathology. This evolution will enable the use of AI models in pathology to aid pathologists and healthcare professionals in the management and the diagnosis of different diseases.
BE 640: Computational Methods for Medical Image Analysis
This course covers the theory of stochastic and geometric models of medical imaging, including spatial interaction models, intensity models, and geometric shape models. The emphasis is on understanding the underlying mathematics in a practical sense.
BE 645: Artificial Intelligence and Radiomics
Artificial intelligence is comprehensively a bundle of cutting-edge computational algorithms that basically learn the patterns in the provided data to make prediction on new unseen data. Radiomics is almost a new terminology in the radiology area which means the extraction of large number of features from different kinds of medical images. This course couples both artificial intelligence and radiomics together to extract meaningful hidden quantitative data to be used in real word medical applications. This course also presents the basic concepts and applications of artificial intelligence in computer aided diagnostic systems.
PHST 661: Probability
Introduction to probability theory. Topics include axioms of probability, conditional probability, discrete and continuous random variables, probability distributions and joint distributions, moments, moment generating functions, mathematical expectation, transformations of random variables, limit theorems (Law of Large Numbers and Central Limit Theory).