

Faculty Editor: Dr. Sarah Anne Strickley

Assistant Editor & Managing Editor of the Miracle Monocle Micro-Anthology Series: Cecilia Durbin


Associate Editors: Sumaya Abu El Hawa, Jasper Adams-Smith, Katelyn Allen

Madison Bowles, Kilah Childress, Christian Corum

 Derek DeBurger, Ezra Forrest, Gratton Hicks iii

Laila Hill-Broadus, Liam Lloydsmith, Jane Luckett

Ariana McMurl, Cameron Miles, Madeline Myers

To contact a Miracle Monocle editor, send an e-mail to  

Interested in joining the staff of Miracle Monocle? Students majoring in English at the University of Louisville may apply for consideration to the journal's Spring internship program by completing an online interest form. In the Fall semester, students are invited to enroll in ENGL 404: Editing, Publishing, and Promoting a Literary Journal. Students may enroll in both the internship and the traditional course and may do so in any sequence they prefer. Once students have served on the staff for a period of at least one semester, they are entitled to become candidates for consideration as contributing editors. The staff is not open to candidates outside the university. 




ISSN 2152-520X. COPYRIGHT © 2011 - 2024 MIRACLE MONOCLE.