Statement from Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Directors
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Statement from Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Directors:
Bláz Bush, Valerie Casey, Dwayne Compton, Faye Jones, Lisa Gunterman, Ryan Simpson, Enid Trucios-Haynes, Marian Vasser
As the directors of the various UofL offices related to diversity, equity and inclusion we want to state that we hear, see, are experiencing, and feel the pain that communities and individuals are experiencingdue to the recent, but unfortunately not new or rare, racist killings across the country and in our own community.The disproportionate and unjust policing of communities of color whether by law enforcement or by dog walkers, causes extreme pain, suffering, inhumane living conditions, and death in communities of color.This has never been acceptable, and never will be. We must always do more individually and collectively to end racial violence, structural racism, white complacency and hold ourselves and those responsible to be accountable for the harm caused.
Join us and our many colleagues at UofL to truly carry out our Cardinal Principles. Not only in voice and thought but in action and tangible support. We encourage all members of our cardinal community to learn more and do more to end our horrible past and current reality of racial injustice.Some actions individuals and communities can take include, but are not limited to the following:
End no knock warrants:
Learn about, donate to and get involved with agencies who are taking action to end racial injustice:
• Louisville Black Lives Matter and Stand Up Sundays:
• Louisville Showing Up for Racial Justice (LSURJ):
• Kentucky Alliance Against Racism and Political Oppression:
• Anti-racism resources for white people:
Get support:
• UofL Counseling Center:
• UofL Office of Diversity and Equity and affiliated offices:
• Minority Mental Health Project:
• Open Path Collective:
• Email anyone in the Diversity and Equity offices, we are here to listen and hold space for you and are happy to set-up a meeting to talk and hear how you are doing.
Why do we have a society where black children have to beg to be allowed to live?
University of Louisville •Cultural Center • Diversity Education and Inclusive Excellence • HSC Office for Diversity and InclusionLGBT Center • Muhammad Ali Institute • Office of the Senior Associate Vice President for Diversity and Equity • School ofMedicine, Office ofCommunity Engagement and Diversity•Women’s Center