Faculty Senate

Information for the Faculty of the University of Louisville.


University of Louisville

Faculty Senate Meeting

September 4, 2013


The regular meeting of the Faculty Senate was held on September 3, 2013 at 3:00 P.M. in the Chao Auditorium, Ekstrom Library, Belknap Campus, Joseph Steffen presiding.


Senators Registering Attendance

A&S: Annette Allen, David Brown, Bonnie Fonesca-Greber, John McLeod, David Simpson, Joe Steffen, Beth Willey, Elaine Wise, Tamara Yohannes CoB: Rob Barker, Ben Foster, Bruce Kemelgor, Robert Myers Dentistry: Ricardo Caicedo, Don Demuth, Robert Staat, Dave Willis  Education: Roger Buskill, Patrick Hardesty, Daya Sandhu, Tom Simmons  Kent: Martin Hall, Wanda Lott Collins Law: Kurt Metzmeier, Luke Milligan, Enid Trucios-Haynes Libraries: Gail Gilbert, Terri Holtze, Margo Smith Medicine: Yousef Abu-Kwaik, Forest Arnold, Richard Downs, Pamela Feldhoff, Saeed Jortani, Sham Kakar, David Stirling  Music: Ansyn Banks, Dror Biran, Krista Wallace-Boaz Nursing: Valerie McCarthy, Karen Singleton Part-time Faculty: Joseph Gutmann, Rose Mills, Susan Peacock, John Ritz  Public Health: Ray Austin, Scott LaJoie SPEED: J.P. Mohsen, Kevin Walsh

Also Attending:

Ex Officio:            Shirley Willihnganz, Ginger Brown, Grant Ford

Others:                 Tracy Eells, Bob Stenger, Marion Hambrick, Gretchen Henry, recording secretary

Press:                    Janene Zaccone (UofL Today)


Senators Not Registering Attendance

A&S: Carrie Donald, Jasmine Farrier, Ron Sahoo Kent: Seana Golder Medicine: Brad Keller, Nobuyuki Kuwabara, Steven Myers, Steven Nakajima Nursing: Diane Chlebowy Part-time Faculty: Donna Gaus, Michael Wade Speed: Bruce Alphenaar


ACTION ITEM: Call to Order – Steffen

ACTION ITEM: Welcome to New Senators – Steffen

The new senators stood in recognition as Chair Steffen called their names.


ACTION ITEM: Consideration of the Minutes

The minutes of the July 3, 2013 meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.


ACTION ITEM: Approval of 2013-2014 Meeting Calendar – Feldhoff

The Executive Committee approved the proposed meeting calendar. It was unanimously approved by the Senate.


REPORT: Student Government Association – Grant Ford

The SGA held its retreat this past weekend and discussed its goals for this academic year.  One goal is to get the Library’s hours extended to 24/7, as the students feel the need for study time during the night. Also, this year focus will be put in areas such as advising and REACH.



REPORT: Staff Senate – Ginger Brown

The Staff Senate did not meet in August. The Annual Retreat will be held next Monday, September 9th on ShelbyHurst Campus.


REPORT: University President/Provost – Dr. Shirley Willihnganz

Provost Willihnganz gave the President’s report as Dr. Ramsey remained in Frankfort for a discussion of the biennial budget requests.  The upcoming biennial budget (14-16) is similar to the last one, including pools, or pockets of funds, and a request for prioritized projects from each institution. The CPE then takes those requests and makes its own prioritized list. The 3 areas that comprise the CPE’s list are: Operating Costs, Trust Funds (Bucks for Brains), and Capital Requests. This year the CPE’s Capital Requests list will be based on space needs. This bodes very well for UofL because results of a statewide space needs assessment put us at the top of all the state’s schools. Funds for the Operating requests will most likely be divided into 4 areas: College and Career Readiness; Research and Economic Development; Degree Production; and, Kentucky Adult Learner Initiative.  The bulk of the funds for College and Career Readiness will go to KCTCS, as it is the largest producer of teachers in the system. The Research and Economic Development pool will provide both UofL and UK with $15M. There is a proposal tied to these funds that would include a collaboration between the schools that will focus on an, as of yet, unknown area.  The Degree Production funds will be disbursed based on the number of degrees awarded. In today’s CPE meeting, the weighting of degrees is being discussed. Each degree will be given a certain amount of points and different degrees will produce different earning potential. Also carrying adding points to the degrees will be minority and low income students. The Trust Funds, or Bucks for Brains, may be revived in this budget.  There is about $60M in this pool with 1/3 to UofL and 2/3 to UK.  Addressing the news of a merger between Norton Hospitals and UK, Provost Willihnganz said that is was a surprise and violates the idea of collegiality. The land that Kosair sits on is owned by UofL, and its intended use is for the benefit of the city of Louisville and UofL. This is the same as if UK put their Education department in Louisville. The CPE will probably have a say in this. This move was done without input from anyone, and we are taking a very strong stand on this. Reporting on administrative searches, Dr. Willihnganz said that the search committees for A&S and Education are underway. Discussions on the process of searching for the Law School dean are being held. Dr. Toni Ganzl has been selected as Dean of the Medical School. Carolyn Callahan is the new Dean of the College of Business.  The incoming freshman class is huge at 2870 students. With construction on many sides of campus going on, and more students, and 400 more bikes, the traffic problems are also growing.  Some of the temporary fencing added at construction sites, will be replaced with permanent fencing or a four foot wall, and guards have been placed at either end of the Speed Museum garage entrance.  The Provost then reported that the 21st Century Initiative documents are all available on SharePoint. The 4 areas that came out of all the SWOT surveys, town hall forums and discussions are: the budget; a new generation of students and their needs; prioritizing; and, cultural change.  She is seeking input on how best to get people involved in conversations on how all this will be done. It is up to all of us. Initial ideas are: face-to-face talks; reconvene the original committees; and, to form special interest groups.  President Ramsey will talk about this in greater detail at next week’s State of the University address. This is not a top down effort. It will involve each of us. The Provost hopes to have the campus endorsement by the end of January.




REPORT: Standing Committee Reports

Academic Programs Committee (APC) – This committee has not met yet this semester.

Committee on Committees and Credentials (CCC) – This committee has not met yet this semester.

Libraries Committee (FSCOL) - This committee has not met yet this semester.

Part-time Faculty Committee (PTFC)-This report was available online. Senator Peacock, from CEHD/HSS, reported that the new program in Public Health offers the same courses as HSS. The HSS faculty feels it will be competing for students and is angry. Associate Provost Eells said that the process was followed, but that communication could be improved. There is a proposal to change how new program requests are handled.  

Planning & Budget Committee (P&B) - This committee has not met yet this semester.

Redbook & Bylaws Committee (RB) – This committee has not met yet this semester.

Executive Committee (XC) - This report was available online.


Faculty Athletic Representative (FAR) – This report was available online.

Human Resources Advisory Committee (HRAC) – Dave Willis is going off this committee and Senator Saeed Jortani will replace him.

Alternate Transportation Committee (AltTrans) – This report was online.

REPORT: Faculty Senate Chair – Joseph Steffen

In October, Chair Steffen would like time to discuss: the Excused Absence policy and its application; eligibility of administrators as senators and senate officers; 21st Century Initiatives; and, the possible elimination of the Committee on Libraries and replacing it with a more efficient committee. He encouraged senators to read the 21st Century Initiative documents on SharePoint and the bylaws for the Committee on Libraries, so each can be discussed at the October meeting.

New Business

A very brief discussion took place on the use of faculty photographs on the web site, or linking faculty names to their UofL web sites.

Old Business

Faculty Senate nominees for the Commission on the Status of Women (COSW) are Jasmine Farrier and Diane Chlebowy. The final selection is made by President Ramsey.



  • The 2nd Annual Showcase of Faculty Excellence will be held Tuesday, September 10th from 12-2 in the Chao lobby. The theme this year is Engagement. Dr. Hiram Fitzgerald from Michigan State University will give 3 talks: Tuesday on HSC at 8 am, Grand Rounds; 11am on Belknap; and, at 3 in the Chao Auditorium.
  • The State of the University address is Wednesday, September 11th at 2:30.
  • The Faculty Senate will meet next on Wednesday, October 2, 2013 at 3 p.m. in the Dental School, Room 125, HSC.



The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 P.M.




Respectfully submitted,

Gretchen Stein Henry

Faculty Senate Secretary