Faculty Senate

Information for the Faculty of the University of Louisville.


University of Louisville

Faculty Senate Meeting

July 3, 2013


The regular meeting of the Faculty Senate was held on July 3, 2013 at 3:00 P.M. in the Chao Auditorium, Ekstrom Library, Belknap Campus, Joseph Steffen presiding.


Senators Registering Attendance

A&S: Annette Allen, Jasmine Farrier, Mary Makris, John McLeod, Ron Sahoo, Joseph Steffen CoB: Bruce Kemelgor, Robert Myers Dentistry: Don Demuth Education: Roger Buskill, Daya Sandhu, Thomas Simmons Kent: Martin Hall Libraries: Gail Gilbert, Terri Holtze, Margo Smith Medicine: Richard Downs, Pamela Feldhoff  Nursing: Diane Chlebowy, Karen Singleton Part-time Faculty: Joe Gutmann, Susan Peacock Public Health: Ray Austin

Also Attending:

Ex Officio:            Shirley Willihnganz, Grant Ford

Others:                 Tracy Eells, John Drees, Pete Walton, Craig Blakely, Gretchen Henry, recording secretary



Senators Not Registering Attendance

A&S: David Brown, David Simpson, Elaine Wise CoB: Rob Barker, Ben Foster Dentistry: Ricardo Caicedo, Robert Staat, Dave Willis Education: Marion Hambrick Kent: Sharon Bowland, Wanda Lott Collins Law: David Ensign, Kurt Metzmeier, Enid Trucios-Haynes Medicine: Forest Arnold, Saeed Jortani, Sham Kakar, Brad Keller, Nobuyuki Kuwabara, Steven Myers, Steven Nakajima

Music: Ansyn Banks, Dror Biran, Krista Wallace-Boaz Nursing: Valerie McCarthy Part-time Faculty: John Ritz, Rose Mills, Michael Wade Public Health: Scott LaJoie Speed: Suraj Alexander, Bruce Alphenaar, Nageshwar Bhaskar, Roger Bradshaw


ACTION ITEM: Consideration of the Minutes

The minutes of the June 5, 2013 meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.


REPORT: Staff Senate – Ginger Brown

Ginger was not in attendance today, but sent a note reporting that the next  Staff Senate meeting will be held July 8th.


REPORT: Student Government Association – Grant Ford

Grant reintroduced himself to the Senate and reported that he has a summer internship position with a local firm and that the SGA officers are transitioning over the summer.


ACTION ITEM: BS/BA in Public Health - Demuth

Senator Demuth made a brief presentation on the undergraduate proposal for a BS/BA in Public Health. The 2 degree proposal is to address the need in both sectors of Public Health: the BS is for a public health practice; and, the BA is for the liberal arts side of public health.  The main academic difference between the degrees is the electives taken. Dr. Dunn, the Executive Vice President of Health Affairs strongly supports the program. Dr. Pete Walton, from the School of Public Health and information Sciences explained that many public health workers have no formal training in this area as there are none available. Public health departments are interested in employing people with this training. If they want to specialize, they will have to get a Master’s Degree. Dean Craig Blakely (SHIPS) added that the work force is crying for this training because professional degrees (PhD, MD and MA) are very costly. Current students interested in the medical field will come to the program and no recruiting will occur for the first 3 years.  The proposal comes from APC and P&B, and requires no second. The proposal for the BS/BA in Public Health passed unanimously.


REPORT: University President – Dr. James Ramsey

Dr. Ramsey reported that the Board of Trustees annual retreat takes place next week on HSC in the Nucleus Building. He said the day is divided into 3 blocks of time: Board training will take place in the morning; following the training, there will be a tour of HSC; then, evaluations of the leadership team will be held in the afternoon. He said the Board of trustees wants to discuss several complicated governance issues: the UL Foundation, appointed members and its relationship with the university; Athletics and the ULAA’s structure and affiliation with the University; and, ULP, Passport and the KY1 agreement. On Friday morning, Provost Willihnganz will make a presentation the Board on the 21st Century Initiatives. Continuing on the successful path we’re on will be difficult with state support less than what the Foundation provides to us.


REPORT: University Provost – Dr. Shirley Willihnganz

Provost Willihnganz began her report saying that no decisions have been made on any of the 21st Century Initiative recommendations made by the committees. She will present 4 big ideas to Board of Trustees to consider and to, hopefully, give its blessing for further exploration. The presentation won’t be available until after it’s been seen by the Board on Friday. Turning to the Voluntary Separation Incentive Program (VSIP), Dr. Willihnganz compared it to a kitchen renovation: it’s madness and mayhem while under construction, but once completed, it’s so much better than before, and, you’re happy you did it. But during it, it was horrible! The short term disruption will make it better in the long term. A brief discussion was held on the open faculty lines and where and how that money will go. She said she cannot do anything about the uncertainty and fear, but assured the Senate that the Administration is not unaware of the fears. There is time to figure it out and it won’t be a one-size-fits-all solution. It will be case by case.


REPORT: Standing Committee Reports

Academic Programs Committee (APC) – as above (BS/BA in Public Health).

Committee on Committees and Credentials (CCC) - This committee did not meet and has no report.

Libraries Committee (FSCOL) - This committee did not meet and has no report.

Part-time Faculty Committee (PTFC)-This committee did not meet.

Planning & Budget Committee (P&B) - This committee did not meet and has no report.

Redbook & Bylaws Committee (RB) - This report is online. Mary Makris thanked Larry Hunt for his years of service to the committee.

Executive Committee (XC) - This report was available online.


Faculty Athletic Representative (FAR) – This report was available online.

Human Resources Advisory Committee (HRAC) – This report was available online.

Alternate Transportation Committee (AltTrans) – This report was online.


REPORT: Faculty Senate Chair – Joseph Steffen

Chair Steffen would like to initiate discussions this fall on: the implementation of the Excused Absence policy and what activities are included; eligibility for service as a faculty senator and as a senate officer – what ranks are eligible; a new budget model and the distribution of tuition revenue; and, following up on the summer program model.

New Business

Chair Steffen called attention to the Second Annual Celebration of Faculty Excellence to be held the same week in September as the State of the University. He would like to do something on both campuses around the idea of engagement, with a speaker and a panel discussion.  An announcement will be sent out.

Old Business




The Faculty Senate will meet next on Wednesday, September 4, 2013 at 3 p.m. in the Chao Auditorium in the Ekstrom Library, Belknap Campus.



The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 P.M.




Respectfully submitted,

Gretchen Stein Henry

Faculty Senate Secretary