Faculty Senate

Information for the Faculty of the University of Louisville.


University of Louisville

Faculty Senate Meeting

April 4, 2012


The regular meeting of the Faculty Senate was held on April 4, 2012 at 3:00 P.M. in the Chao Auditorium  in the Ekstrom Library, on Belknap Campus, Robert Staat presiding.


Senators Registering Attendance

A&S – Annette Allen, Beth Bradley, Jasmine Farrier, Dennis Hall, Mary Makris, John McLeod, Ron Sahoo, Joe Steffen, Elaine Wise, Wendy Yoder CoB – Robert Barker, Bruce Kemelgor, Robert Myers DENTISTRY – Ricardo Caicedo, Donald Demuth, Robert Staat, Dave Willis       EDUCATION – Roger Buskill, Marion Hambrick, Daya Sandhu, Tom Simmons LAW – Kurt Metzmeier, Luke Milligan, Enid Trucios-Haynes LIBRARIES – Gail Gilbert, Terri Holtze, Margo Smith MEDICINE – Forest Arnold, Pamela Feldhoff, Lawrence Hunt  MUSIC –Ansyn Banks, Daniel Weeks  NURSING –Diane Chlebowy, Celeste Shawler   PART-TIME – Charlie Baker, Joe Gutmann, Susan Peacock  PUBLIC HEALTH – Ray Austin SPEED – Bruce Alphenaar, Roger Bradshaw



Also Attending -

Ex Officio:            James Ramsey, Shirley Willihnganz, Brent Fryrear, Jody Heil

Others:                 Tracy Eells, Beth Boehm, Melissa Laning, Bob Stenger, Gretchen Henry, recording secretary

Press:                    Janene Zaccone (U of L Today)


Senators Not Registering Attendance -

CoB – Ben Foster KENT –Sharon Bowland, Seana Golder, Wanda Lott Collins MEDICINE – Richard Downs, Moataz El-Ghamry, Saeed Jortani, Sham Kakar, Brad Keller, Nobuyuki Kuwabara, Steven Myers, Steven Nakajima, Jeannie Roberts MUSIC – Krista Wallace-Boaz NURSING – Sandra Holmes PART-TIME –Brian Barnes, Rose Mills, Michael Wade PUBLIC HEALTH – Ruth Carrico SPEED – Suraj Alexander, Nageshwar Bhaskar

The agenda was amended to allow the Provost to attend another meeting.


REPORT: University Provost – Dr. Shirley Willihnganz

The Provost reported that she had set up a web site for budget suggestions and had received many good ideas. Though some ideas are possible and some are not, she is open to all ideas and encouraged senators to pass this message to their constituents.  Both tuition and budget forums are coming soon, which will generate more suggestions and ideas. No decisions have been made, except that furloughs are no longer being considered. A consultant was recently hired and reported back that by purchasing supplies in bulk on HSC, the University may be able to generate a savings of $2-$3M.Updating the Senate on administrative searches, Dr. Willihnganz reported that the search committees for the Graduate School and College of Business deans have been formed, but not yet charged; the committee for the dean of Public Health is waiting to get its charge; and, Dr. Toni Danzl has been named Interim Dean of the School of Medicine until that position in filled. The five year reviews for Law School Dean Jim Chen, Vice President for Business Affairs Owsley and Vice President for Student Affairs Jackson are all underway.  She also reported that the Leadership Workshops, now led by Tracy Eells, continue to advise new department chairs and that the Budget Advisory Committee is still collecting information to apply to the budget situation.


ACTION: Consideration of the Minutes

The minutes of the March 7, 2012 meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.


REPORT: Student Government Association – Jody Heil

Jody Heil reported that the SGA is winding down for the semester. He introduced Carrie Mattingly, who will be his replacement for the upcoming academic year.


REPORT: Staff Senate – Brent Fryrear

The Staff Senate meets next Monday. The officers met with other senate officers from across the state.


The agenda was amended to allow President Ramsey to give his report.


REPORT: University President – Dr. James Ramsey

President Ramsey reported that the legislature voted on a 6.4% cut for the research universities, which resulted in nearly $10M in cuts to UofL. The state has difficulty in capping its expenditures, though because of a revenue turnaround, it has decreased the state’s debt from $400M to $200M. Both KEES and indigent care at UL Hospital were spared any cuts. Dr. Ramsey then went on to explain that the source of funding for campus improvements is a grant from state road funds and not University money. As the budget process is in full swing, there will be a tuition forum on April 19 to discuss the CPE’s recommendation for an increase of, at least 6%. The budget has now reached Scenario I, which assumes the 6% tuition increase and use $2M from our ‘rainy day fund’ to cover the difference needed to balance it. Dr. Ramsey has been on the road for the past 4 weeks working for the capital campaign. So far this year, $82M has been raised. This puts the total at $600M towards the goal of $1B. He spoke briefly of how well athletics did this year.  Obviously proud of the basketball team’s Final Four appearance, the swim and softball teams were very successful, as well. Dr. Ramsey concluded his report by saying he was going to be more actively involved on campus, where he can really connect with students more personally.


REPORT:  Kentucky Legislative Session – Mayton

Dana Mayton, the Senior Associate Vice President in University Advancement-Government Relations, made a Power Point presentation on what legislative bills her office is following.  Of the 758 bills that were filed this session, her office tracked 125. Of all the bills filed, 140 passed. This office not only focusing on bills related to education, healthcare, human resources but other areas of interest to the University are monitored.



REPORT: Great Place to Work Initiative - Eells

Dr. Eells encouraged the senators to take the survey in the University’s effort to make this an even better place to work.  Response has been low, perhaps because the email was sent from outside the University and may not be a recognized address. He suggested senators check their bulk mailbox for it.

Committee Reports – Committee chairs were asked to explain the work of their committees for the upcoming election.

Academic Programs Committee (APC)- This report was online. This committee reviews new academic program proposals, or the alteration/elimination of existing academic programs.

Committee on Committees and Credentials (CCC) - This report was online. This committee runs the election and reviews committee structures.Meets monthly, or, as needed.

Libraries Committee (FSCOL)- This committee made no report. The Libraries Committee also reviews new academic program proposals and their affect on library resources. Meets monthly/bi-monthly, as needed.

Part-time Faculty Committee (PTFC)-This report was online. This committee works on various issues pertaining to part-time faculty. Meets monthly.

Planning & Budget Committee (P&B)- This report was online. The P&B Committee also reviews proposals for new academic programs, centers and institutes and has an interactive role in the University budget process. Meets monthly.

Redbook & Bylaws Committee (RB)- This committee report was online. The REDBOOK and Bylaws Committee reviews changes to unit bylaws and personnel documents to ensure agreement with The REDBOOK and Minimum Guidelines. Sometimes it recommends changes for The REDBOOK. Meets quarterly, or by email, as needed.

Executive Committee (XC)- The report was online. The Executive Committee advises and assists the standing committees with their activities and helps the chair develop the Faculty Senate meeting agenda. Requires much reading and meets twice a month.



Other Reports

Academic Technology Committee (ATC) – This report was online.

Bookstore Advisory Committee – Report was made last month.

Commission on the Status of Women (COSW) – No report this month.

Dining Services Committee – Meets tomorrow.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) – This committee no longer exists.

Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR) – This report was online.

Human Resources Advisory Committee (HRAC) – This report was online.

Ideas2Action (i2A) – This report was online.

Parking Advisory Committee (PAC) – No report was made.

Student Care Team – No report was made.



Chair’s Report – Robert Staat

The Chair’s report was online.


Old Business


New Business




Elections are next month.


The Faculty Senate will meet again on May 2, 2012 at 3 p.m. in the Chao Auditorium.



The meeting was adjourned at 5 P.M.




Gretchen Stein Henry

Faculty Senate Secretary