Faculty Senate

Information for the Faculty of the University of Louisville.


University of Louisville

Faculty Senate Meeting

March 7, 2012


The regular meeting of the Faculty Senate was held on March 7, 2012 at 3:00 P.M. in the Chao Auditorium in the Ekstrom Library, on Belknap Campus, Robert Staat presiding.


Senators Registering Attendance

A&S – Beth Bradley, Dennis Hall, Ron Sahoo, Joseph Steffen, Elaine Wise CoB – Robert Barker, Ben Foster, Bruce Kemelgor, Robert Myers  DENTISTRY – Ricardo Caicedo, Donald Demuth, Robert Staat, Dave Willis EDUCATION – Roger Buskill, Marion Hambrick, Daya Sandhu, Tom Simmons  KENT – Sharon Bowland, Seana Golder, Wanda Lott Collins LAW – Kurt Metzmeier, Luke Milligan, Enid Trucios-Haynes LIBRARIES –Gail Gilbert, Terri Holtze MEDICINE – Pamela Feldhoff, Lawrence Hunt, Saeed Jortani, Brad Keller MUSIC –Ansyn Banks, Krista Wallace-Boaz NURSING – Diane Chlebowy, Celeste Shawler  PART-TIME – Charlie Baker, Joseph Gutmann, Rose Mills, Susan Peacock, Michael Wade PUBLIC HEALTH – Ray Austin SPEED – Bruce Alphenaar



Also Attending -

Ex Officio:

Others:                 Beth Boehm, Tracy Eells,  Melissa Laning, Mike Curtin, Bob Stenger, Gretchen Henry, recording secretary

Press:                    Janene Zaccone (U of L Today)


Senators Not Registering Attendance -

A&S – Annette Allen, Jasmine Farrier, Elizabeth Grossi, Mary Makris, John McLeod, Wendy Yoder LIBRARIES – Margo Smith MEDICINE – Forest Arnold, Richard Downs, Moataz El-Ghamry, Sham Kakar, Nobuyuki Kuwabara, Steven Myers, Steven Nakajima, Jeannie Roberts MUSIC – Daniel Weeks PART-TIME – Brian Barnes PUBLIC HEALTH – Ruth Carrico SPEED – Suraj Alexander, Nageshwar Bhaskar, Roger Bradshaw


ACTION: Consideration of the Minutes

The minutes of the February 1, 2012 meeting were unanimously approved as distributed.


REPORT: Student Government Association – Jody Heil

There was no report made.


REPORT: Staff Senate – Brent Fryrear

There was no report made.

REPORT/DISCUSSION: Current Budget Proposal – Curtin

Mr. Curtin, Vice President for Finance, presented the current state of the university budget with a Power Point slide presentation. Due to extensive state budget cuts over the past ten years, the University was facing a $10M deficit. After making some very difficult decisions, the budget is now nearly in balance. A significant discussion took place on the various steps that could be taken to bring the budget into balance. Some of these include a tuition increase; no salary increase; a hiring freeze; possible furloughs or reduced work week and bulk purchasing; and, an assessment of low productivity programs. Final decisions will be made after the state legislative session ends in April.

ACTION ITEM: Undergraduate Council Revision – Staat

The proposal before the Senate today would restructure the Undergraduate Council and maintain the authority to establish undergraduate requirements across unit, thought not unit specific.  Senator Hall made a motion to amend the proposal: “any proposal on curriculum or academic freedom not receiving unanimous approval (from the Undergraduate Council) would return to the proposer”. A discussion took place on the path a proposal would take. A vote on Senator’s Hall motion took place and the motion did not pass.  Another brief discussion took place, resulting in a motion from Senator Wise, stating, “All recommendations from the Undergraduate Council will come before the Faculty Senate for discussion, before being forwarded to the Provost.” This motion passed, with two dissents. The now-revised original document, coming from the Executive Committee, passed unanimously.


REPORT: University President/Provost – Dr. Tracy Eells

President Ramsey and Provost Willihnganz were out of town. Dr. Tracy Eells gave their reports. Regarding administrative searches, four dean positions are undergoing searches: College of Business, Public Health, School of Medicine, and the Graduate School. Three vice presidents are being reviewed: Jim Chen (Law), Larry Owsley (VP Business Affairs) and Tom Jackson (VP Student Affairs). Dr. Eells also reported that leadership workshops are being developed for unit chairs. A committee is also forming to develop an online faculty handbook.

Committee Reports

Academic Programs Committee (APC) - This report was available online.

Committee on Committees and Credentials (CCC)-Reminder that Senate elections are coming in May. Terri Holtze, committee chair, encouraged senators to consider running and to look at the ballot when it is distributed.

Libraries Committee (FSCOL) - No report was made.

Part-time Faculty Committee (PTFC) - This report was available online.

Planning & Budget Committee (P&B) - This report was available online.

Redbook & Bylaws Committee (RB) – This committee did not meet.

Executive Committee (XC) – This report was available online.


Other Reports

Academic Technology Committee (ATC) – No report was made.

Alternative Transportation Committee (ALT) - This report was available online.

Bookstore Advisory Committee – No report was made

Commission on the Status of Women (COSW) – No report was made.

Dining Services Committee – This committee did not meet.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) – This committee needs a faculty representative.

Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR) – This report was available online.

Human Resources Advisory Committee (HRAC) – This report was available online.

Ideas2Action (i2A) - This report was available online.

Parking Advisory Committee (PAC) – This committee did not meet.

Student Care Team – No report was made.



Chair’s Report – Robert Staat

The Chair’s report was available online.


Old Business


New Business




The Faculty Senate will meet again on April 4, 2012 at 3 p.m. in the Chao Auditorium.



The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 P.M.




Gretchen Stein Henry

Faculty Senate Secretary