Faculty Senate

Information for the Faculty of the University of Louisville.


University of Louisville

Faculty Senate Meeting

October 6, 2010


The regular meeting of the Faculty Senate was held on October 6, 2010 at 3:00 P.M. in Room 302 in the School of Medicine, on Health Sciences Campus, Robert Staat presiding.


Senators Registering Attendance

A&S – Beth Bradley, Martin Klotz, Joseph Steffen DENTISTRY – Robert Staat, Dave Willis  EDUCATION – Peter Alter, Rod Githens, Tom Simmons  KENT –Sharon Bowland, Wanda Lott Collins LAW – David Ensign, Enid Trucios-Haynes LIBRARIES – Terri Holtze MEDICINE – Richard Downs, Pamela Feldhoff, Lawrence Hunt, Saeed Jortani, Nobuyuki Kuwabara, Steven Myers, John Nyland, Jeannie Roberts MUSIC –Daniel Weeks, Krista Wallace-Boaz  NURSING – Diane Chlebowy, Sandra Holmes  PART-TIME – Charlie Baker, Brian Barnes PUBLIC HEALTH – Ray Austin


Also Attending -

Ex Officio:            James Ramsey, Shirley Willihnganz,

Others:                 Beth Boehm, Melissa Laning, Rosalie Mainous, Gretchen Henry, recording secretary

Press:                    (Inside U of L)


Senators Not Registering Attendance -

A&S – Annette Allen, Jasmine Farrier, Elizabeth Grossi, Dennis Hall, Mary Makris, Cynthia Negrey, Elaine wise, Tamara Yohannes CoB – Rob Barker, Carrie Donald, Bruce Kemelgor, Robert Myers  DENTISTRY – Ricardo Caicedo, Donald DeMuth EDUCATION – Kathleen Rudasil KENT – Seana Golder LAW – Kurt Metzmeier  LIBRARIES – Gail Gilbert, Margo Smith MEDICINE – Forest Arnold, David Cunningham, Moataz El-Ghamry Steven Nakajima MUSIC –Seow-Chin Ong PART-TIME – Judy Heitzman, Rose Mills, Susan Peacock, Dana Seay PUBLIC HEALTH – Ruth Carrico SPEED – Suraj Alexander, Nageshwar Bhaskar, Roger Bradshaw, Hollace Cox


ACTION: Consideration of the Minutes

The minutes of the September 1, 2010 meeting were approved as corrected.


REQUIESCAT IN PACE: Dr. Thaddeus Dumas – Senator Githens

Senator Githens (Education) read the memorial for Dr. Dumas. A moment of silence was observed in honor of Dr. Dumas.


REPORT: Student Government Association – Melissa Laning

Melissa Laning gave the SGA report for Mr. Frizzell. The A+ grading initiative has been endorsed by several more groups and its implementation will be in the fall semester of 2011. There was an article on the “uoflswap” web site in the Louisville Cardinal student newspaper.

REPORT: Staff Senate – Virginia Brown

This report was available online.


ACTION ITEM: Special Election for the Executive Committee – Senator Barnes

This election was tabled until next month so more senators have a chance to nominate themselves.

ACTION ITEM: First Reading: School of Music  and Libraries Personnel Documents.

Second Reading: A&S Part-time Faculty and CEHD Personnel Documents – Senator Willis

All documents had been posted to the Senate’s SharePoint web site.  The first readings of the School of Music and Libraries Personnel Documents are for information only and are not open to discussion. The revisions to the both the A&S and CEHD Personnel documents are to bring both documents up to date with the REDBOOK changes. The faculty of both units approved the changes. With no discussion, revisions to both the A&S and the CEHD Personnel Documents passed unanimously.

ACTION ITEM: Post-Master’s Certificate in Nursing – Senator Steffen

The proposal for a certificate in Nursing comes before the Senate with approval from the Planning & Budget and the Academic Programs Committees. It is a post-Master’s degree certificate for nurse practitioners in three areas:  adult, neo-natal and family. The few issues with the proposal were satisfactorily addressed. After a brief discussion on the national requirement for certification in these areas, the proposal passed unanimously.

REPORT: Faculty Grievance Officer – Enid Trucios-Haynes

The report is available online. Senator Trucios-Haynes has been the FGO since January of this year. Some of the information is also from David Simpson, the former FGO.

REPORT: University Provost – Dr. Shirley Willihnganz

The Provost began her report with an update on administrative search results.  Mr. Tony Belak has been hired by the University as its Ombudsman. The Provost thanked Melissa Laning  and the committee for their efforts on the Grievance Process Review Committee and Dennis Hall for his time as Interim Ombudsman. Airport interviews will begin next week for the Libraries dean position; the search committee for the Dean of Education will begin next week;  the Speed School search committee will begin soon; and, the pre-search committee for the Executive Vice President for Health Affairs has done a lot of hard work and will send its recommendations to   President Ramsey next week.  Dr. Willihnganz reported that the Academic Leadership Workshops have started and will continue through the year. Asked about healthcare, the Provost said that United Health Care has been hired to manage our healthcare benefits. This will save the University about $2.6 million a year. Details of the plan are being worked out so that as few participants as possible will be affected by the change. Open enrollment begins on October 15th. The new plan will hopefully encourage employees to use UofL doctors and UofL Hospital. She reported that a PR campaign is set to start for the smoking policy, cessation kits will be available and student deputies will assist in enforcing the policy.  A brief discussion of the surrounding neighborhood crimes and the University’s concerns for student safety took place.

REPORT: University President – Dr. James Ramsey

President Ramsey gave his report via a Power Point slide presentation.  He started with the state’s economic background and outlook and presented seven strategies to deal with the numerous cutbacks higher education has endured over the past 9 years. He told the Senate that the  $750M capital campaign will kick off on November 10th. President Ramsey explained the relationship between the UofL Foundation and the University and gave an update on administrative searches. He rounded out his presentation with his fall itinerary for visiting high schools across the state. (This  presentation is available on the Faculty Senate web site –www.louisville.edu/facultysentate)



Academic Programs Committee (APC)- This committee did not meet.

Committee on Committees and Credentials (CCC)-This committee did not meet. It will conduct the election for the Executive Committee vacancy at next month’s meeting.

Libraries Committee (FSCOL) - This report was available online.

Part-time Faculty Committee (PTFC) - This report was available online.

Planning & Budget Committee (P&B) - This report was available online.

Redbook & Bylaws Committee (RB) – Action as above (first and second readings).

Executive Committee (XC) - This report was available online (to be sent).



Academic Technology Committee (ATC)/Senator Barker – This report was available online.

Bookstore Advisory Committee/Senator Makris – This report was available online.

Commission on the Status of Women (COSW)/Susan Duncan– This report was available online.

Coalition of Staff & Faculty Leadership (COSFL)/Chair Staat - No report was made this month.

Dining Services Committee/Senator Metzmeier - This report was available online.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)/Senator Heitzman – This committee did not meet.

Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR)/Senator Wise – The FAR Annual Report will be sent next month.

Human Resources Advisory Committee (HRAC)/Senator Feldhoff– This report was available online.

Parking Advisory Committee (PAC)/Karen Karp – This committee did not meet.

Student Care Team/Eli Karam – No report was made. A full committee report will be made in November.

University Librarian Report/Dean Nichols – No report was made this month.


Chair’s Report – Robert Staat

The Chair’s report was available online.


Old Business


New Business





The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 P.M.


Respectfully submitted,

Gretchen Stein Henry

Faculty Senate Secretary