Human Studies

The Envirome Human Studies Unit carries out clinical trials and human-focused research on how the built environment, pollution, green spaces, plant products, and tobacco or nicotine products affect human health, aiming to uncover the environmental factors contributing to chronic diseases.

Ongoing Studies

Inhaled Biologic Compounds for Cardiovascular Health (BVOC) Study (IRB # 22.0543)

Participants needed for study on the health effects of plant products. The Envirome Institute is inviting healthy adult volunteers to come to our site at 302 E Muhammad Ali Blvd to inhale commercially available plant products or common household items like a candle and undergo cardiovascular health tests. These tests include blood pressure, heart rate variability, and blood vessel health measures before and after inhaling products. We will collect blood twice, about 1.5 tablespoons each time and 4 urine samples. You can participate up to 10 times with each visit taking about 1.5-2 hours in person and about 2 hours of away from our site to complete collecting your urine samples. We aim to learn how these plant products may be responsible for some of the beneficial effects of plants. Participant compensation will be a $50 Swift pre-paid card at each study visit.

For additional Information: Email or call 502-215-5872.

Effects of Short-Term Green Exposure in an Urban Environment – Trager MicroForest Study (IRB # 23.0437)

The Envirome Institute is inviting healthy adult volunteers to come to our site in downtown Louisville for 2 separate visits, to walk within an urban park and surrounding area while wearing mobile cardiovascular and monitoring devices. The purpose of our study is to understand the impact of greenness on stress in humans. This involves 40 minutes spent in a park or urban location, saliva samples, urine samples, health questionnaires, blood pressure and heart rate assessments. We will also ask you to come back in 3 years after a greening intervention (planting of trees and other greenery). Participants will receive a $50 prepaid gift card for each completed visit.

For additional information: Email or call 502-215-3786.

Inhaled Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds Effect on Sleep – BVOC Sleep Study (IRB # 23.0853)

The Envirome Institute is inviting healthy adult volunteers to help us understand how inhaling plant products while you sleep affects your sleep patterns. We will ask you to come to our site at 302 E Muhammad Ali Blvd to pick up a sleep kit (diffuser, scents, sleep monitor) to use while you sleep for 4 days a week for about 4 weeks. You will be provided with 3 different scents and instructed on when and how to use them in the diffuser. We will ask you to wear a sleep monitor on your wrist, provide a urine sample once a week and answer daily surveys. Participant compensation up to $230 by Swift pre-paid card after completion of the study.

For additional information: Email or call 502-215-3786.

Research Programs

Green Heart Louisville Project – HEAL Study

The University of Louisville's School of Medicine is partnering with the Oakdale-Wyandotte, Jacobs, Taylor-Berry, Wilder Park, Beechmont, and Hazelwood neighborhoods to conduct the Health, Environment, and Action in Louisville (HEAL) Study. The HEAL Study is part of the Green Heart Louisville Project. Green Heart is studying what community residents think makes a happy, healthy neighborhood and whether certain neighborhood characteristics, like air pollution and greenness, impact health. Participants will receive a VISA gift card for participating.

Learn more about the HEAL Study.

Green Sleep Study

Green Sleep takes an in-depth look at how greenness affects your sleep over the course of 14 consecutive days (24-hour periods). This study consisted of 1 in-person visit and the mobile monitoring period aimed at investigating the quality of your sleep and how active you are during the day with the help of watch-like device. We also measured air pollution, carbon dioxide levels, temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure in the sleeping area.

For additional information or to request access to data: Email or call 502-215-5707.

Cardiovascular Injury Due to Tobacco Use – CITU 2.0 Study

The University of Louisville's School of Medicine, in partnership with the American Heart Association, facilitates research on the perceptions and health of those who use of electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) and tobacco products in healthy young adults (18-45 years of age). The study has recruited healthy unmedicated participants who only use e-cigs, cigarettes, or cigarillos. The longitudinal study consisted of two study visits; the second study visit took place 2 years from the first study visit. Both study visits lasted approximately 2.5-3 hours and included questionnaires on social history, health, tobacco use patterns, blood and urine collection, and other measures to give us an idea of your heart health before and after an acute tobacco or e-cig use session.

Learn more about the CITU 2.0 Study.

For more information or to request access to data: Email or call 502-215-5872.

Cardiovascular Health Effects of Electronic Cigarettes in Young Adults – VAPERACE Study

University of Louisville Christina Lee Brown Envirome Institute studies the perceptions and fluctuations of use patterns of electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) in young adults (18-24 years of age). Healthy unmedicated participants who either use e-cigarettes or are tobacco non-users were enrolled in our study. The study conducted an in-person health screening and then fitted participants with a suite of wearable health devices and mobile technology to monitor both use patterns and health outcomes at home. Blood and urine were collected, and non-invasive heart health tests were performed. Self-reported information on health, social history, and tobacco product use was collected at the beginning of the study and over the 48 hour mobile monitoring period.

For more information or to request access to data: Email or call 502-215-5872.

Effect of Environmental Exposures on Chronic Health Outcomes – ECO Study

The Christina Lee Brown Envirome Institute has created the Effect of Environmental Exposures on Chronic Health Outcomes (ECO) cohort study to look at long-term effects of environmental exposures like air and noise pollution on heart health. Participation involves yearly health check-up visits for 3 years (4 in-person & 1 via phone/email), during which health surveys and health measures like blood pressure, urine and blood samples are completed. Participants in this study live throughout metro Louisville and come from a varied socioeconomic background and can be at risk for health-related issues.

For more information or to request data use: Email or call 502-215-3786.