
After an open nomination period, elections are held annually to select the Parenting Network leadership team. Sandy Russell, V.P. for Risk Management, is serving as our group’s Executive Champion. 

Thanks to all of these folks who are volunteering their time in support of the UofL Parenting Network. 
Position Name
Chair Sarah Frankel
Vice Chair Melissa Schreck
Finance Chair Leighann Valdez
Membership Chair Erin Heakin
Secretary Anita Hall
Programming Co-Chairs Leslie Exmeyer, Ashley O'Neil
Communication Co-Chairs Julie Thum, Lisa Barner
At-Large Member Shuying Sha, Daniel Darland
Past Chair Ex-Officio Elizabeth Liebschutz-Roettger
Ex-Officio Meagan West

Leadership position descriptions

  • Chair: Serves as a representative of the Parenting Network. Leads general body meetings and leadership team meetings. Takes other actions needed as determined by the executive board. Leads all internal group efforts.
  • Vice Chair: Becomes chair the year following elections making it a two-year commitment. Serves as back up for the chair as needed. Leads the external group efforts.
  • Programming Co-Chairs: Plans and executes the events/efforts for the Parenting Network. Coordinates the programming and creates/monitors the group calendar.
  • Communication Co-Chairs: Leads and implements communication and marketing for the Parenting Network (e.g., website, university communications, etc.)
  • Membership Chair: Tracks group membership and leads recruitment efforts for the Parenting Network (e.g., hosts interest sessions, welcome new employees, etc.)
  • Finance Chair: Serves as the primary holder of the ProCard and keeps membership up to date on the Parenting Network budget.
  • Secretary: Takes attendance/minutes at all group meetings. Monitors/updates the Teams channel.
  • At-Large Member(s): Takes on other duties as needed to ensure the success of the Parenting Network.

Town Hall discussion