UofL Diversity Plan 2017-2021

University of Louisville Diversity Plan

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Plan for the University of Louisville will focus primarily on three groups: (1) African American (includes two or more races of which one is African American), (2) Hispanic/Latino, and (3) low-income, although services to other diverse groups will be included in the narrative.  The three components of the plan are Opportunity, Success and Impact.  The plan gives details of the strategies, actions and tactics that are designed to enhance student enrollment and success.  These strategies and tactics will be assessed in terms of their impact.  Diversity goals will include metrics and goals for student enrollment, retention and graduation. The impact section includes metrics and goals for increasing the number of diverse faculty and staff.  Equal attention is given to the strategies and best practices that are used to support faculty through the tenure and promotion process as well as professional development and promotional opportunities for staff.  It also delineates the structures that are in place to enhance cultural competency for students, faculty and staff and the tools that are used to monitor and improve the campus climate. Finally, it includes an assessment plan for each strategy.  The conclusion summarizes the plan and identifies barriers and what is being done to minimize them.

The diversity planning process is robust and ongoing.  Each college/school/unit has a diversity committee appointed by the dean/vice president and is charged with planning for diversity programs and services. The chairs of the unit diversity committees, comprised of students, faculty and staff, and the Campus Environment Team, which includes the chairs of the Faculty and Staff Senates, have been involved in the planning process for developing goals and strategies for the diversity plan.  Additionally, the Executive Vice President of the Student Government Association (SGA) and the President of the Association of Black Students (ABS) have been involved in the development of the plan, providing input from their constituents.  The plan will also go through a vetting process to get input from the Council of Academic Officers, the President’s Executive Leadership Team, the Faculty and Staff Senates, the Student Government Association, the Commission on Diversity and Racial Equality, and the Commission on the Status of Women.   The president and provost will present the plan to the Board of Trustees for approval at their August or September 2017 meeting.  

Find the full plan here