Upcoming Events

Faculty and Staff Development sessions

Digital Storytelling Institute - Summer 24 TBA

Adobe-led sessions

Adobe Education Institute - Virtual Sessions June 10-14

University of Louisville faculty and staff are invited to the upcoming Adobe Education Institute that will take place June 10-14, 2024. Through a series of live, hands-on training sessions, participants will discover ways to deepen student engagement and foster multi-modal teaching using Adobe technology. All sessions will be delivered remotely and recorded for on-demand access.

Sessions are 90 minutes and will cover the following topics:

  • Intro to Adobe Express in Higher Education
  • Teaching with Generative AI and Firefly
  • Productivity with Acrobat
  • Publish Papers and Essays
  • Designing Presentations
  • Storytelling with Video
  • Create Portfolios, Resumes, and CVs
  • Create Podcasts with Adobe Audition
  • Digital Imaging with Generative AI
  • Create Graphs and Visualize Data

 The event will also include office hours, an optional showcase, and an opportunity to receive badging and an “Adobe Education Institute Fellow” credential.

 The event has gone global this year, so you will see some extra instructions around dates and times. We encourage you to register for sessions that best fit your schedule and remember to add them to your calendar. More information about the schedule can be found on this Adobe Education Institute FAQ page.

Register for the Adobe Education Institute 

Cardinals Create Showcase

On Demand Learning for all

DMS and other tutorials

Access tutorials for the most popular Adobe apps and more.

Adobe Creative Skills Badging Series

Available to UofL faculty, staff, and students, the Adobe Creative Skills Series is a self-paced collection of modules offering micro credentials for social media creation, resume improvement, and more.  Find out more and complete these modules at the link below.

Complete an Adobe Creative Skills micro credential

All Digital Media Suite tutorials, development sessions, and other learning opportunities are open to all eligible students, regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, social class, sexual orientation, age or disability.