Faculty Affiliates and Research Partners


David A. Johnson, Ph.D., MPH, CPH
Health Management and Systems Sciences
Assistant Professor
Website: https://louisville.edu/sphis/directory/david-a.-johnson-phd-mph
Email: Dajohn04@louisville.edu 

Megan Poole, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of English
University of Louisville
Email | megan.poole@louisville.edu
Website | http://meganrpoole.com
Pronouns | she, her, her

Allison S. Smith, Ph.D.
Project Manager, NREL
Lecturer, Department of Biology
Email: Allison.smith@louisville.edu

Angela D. Storey, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Anthropology
University of Louisville
Email: Angela.Storey@louisville.eduUofL


Cooperative Consortium for Transdisciplinary Social Justice Research
Phone: (502) 852-2371

Christina Lee Brown Environmental Institute

External Partners

Latrica E. Best, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology
Boston College
Email: latrica.best@bc.edu
Website: http://latricabest.com

Peter B. Meyer, PhD
Professor Emeritus, University of Louisville
President, The E.P. Systems Group, Inc.
Phone: (502) 435-3240

Joe Schilling, JD
Senior Research Associate
Urban Institute
2100 M Street NW
Washington, DC
Phone: (703) 706-8102