
Línea de crisis de prevención del suicidio

Línea de crisis de prevención del suicidio

Aplicación de teléfono inteligente
MY3 le permite mantenerse conectado cuando se le presenten pensamientos suicidas

Strengths and Protective Factors

Across all populations, some of the most significant protective factors are

  • Effective mental health care
  • Connectedness to individuals, family, community, and social institutions
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Contacts with caregivers

In addition, research has shown the following to be among the most significant protective factors in Hispanic populations:

  • Familism: Hispanics have scored high on measures of familism, which has been described as the strong feelings of commitment, loyalty, and obligation to family members that extends beyond the nuclear family. The interdependent nature of family includes making family needs a priority over individual needs and being able to turn to family for support. Youth reporting strong, supportive relationships with their parents are less likely to attempt suicide.
  • Ethnic affiliation: Latina adolescents with greater involvement in Hispanic culture have more positive relationships with their mothers and fewer withdrawn-depressive behaviors and suicide attempts. In addition, ethnic identity is positively associated with self-esteem among Latino/Latina adolescents, and has been shown to moderate the relationship between perceived discrimination and depression.
  • Religiosity and moral objections to suicide: Individuals identifying themselves as Hispanic report higher scores on measures of moral objections to suicide and on measures of religiosity compared to people who are not Hispanic. They are also more likely than other racial/ethnic groups to belong to religious denominations that have strong beliefs prohibiting suicidal thoughts and behaviors.
  • Caring from teachers: One recent national study found that perceived caring from teachers was associated with a decreased risk of suicide attempts by Latina adolescents.

Risk Factors

Across all populations, some of the most significant risk factors are:

  • Prior suicide attempt(s)
  • Alcohol and drug abuse
  • Mood and anxiety disorders
  • Access to a means to lethal means

For individuals who are already at risk, a “triggering” event causing shame or despair may make them more likely to attempt suicide. These events may include relationship problems and breakups, problems at work, financial hardships, legal difficulties, and worsening health.

In addition, research has shown the following to be among the most significant risk factors in Hispanic populations:

  • Alcohol: According to the National Violent Death Reporting System 2003–2009, of the Hispanic suicide decedents tested for alcohol, about 28% were legally intoxicated at the time of death. Of the four racial/ethnic minority groups studied, Hispanics had the second highest rate of alcohol use during an attempt.
  • Mental health services access and use: Compared to non-Hispanic Whites, Hispanics underutilize mental health services, are less likely to receive care that follows recommended guidelines, and are more likely to rely on informal supports (e.g., family) and primary care providers than on mental health specialists for mental health services.

In a large national survey, Hispanic adults who reported suicidal thoughts or attempts were less likely than non-Hispanic White adults to seek or receive psychiatric services.

Source: Suicide Prevention Resource Center

Additional Helpful Resources

University of Louisville Resources

University of Louisville Cultural Center U of L is committed to creating a challenging intellectual climate enhanced by our many human differences, and this serves as the foundational objective of the programs and services provided by the Cultural Center. More specifically, the Cultural Center creates educational opportunities for members of the university community to critically think about their beliefs, values and assumptions as it relates to culture. To fulfill our mission, we support and offer co–curricular and extra–curricular programs that acknowledge and reflect the experiences of under–represented populations. We also provide educational opportunities for all members of the campus community to examine their individual and group experiences within a culturally diverse society.

University of Louisville Hispanic/Latino Initiative HLI’s mission is to build strong support systems for Latino students at UofL through programs and events that explore our many identities, develop leaders, and provide coaching and mentoring for life success, share campus resources, and build community and campus collaborations.

University of Louisville Student Organizations

Latin American & Hispanic Student Organization (LAHSO)

The Latin American and Hispanic Student Organization is a RSO dedicated to celebrate the wide variety of Latin American/Hispanic history, heritage, cultures, and traditions present on the University of Louisville' campus through a fun and culturally inclusive way. Created in November 2009, LAHSO provides a common ground for those interested in all of these aspects of the Hispanic/Latino community through a combined effort with any interested student, campus leader, RSO, and group present at UofL. LAHSO it will emphasize and inform the larger UofL community of the presence and importance of the Hispanic/Latino people.

National Resources

For more information, visit our Resource Section.


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