Publications and Presentations - Spring 2023

March 21, 2023

A recent publication by Dept. of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics colleagues was featured on the front cover of the Dec. 2022 issue of  the journal, Stats. The article, “Conditional Kaplan–Meier Estimator with Functional Covariates for Time-to-Event Data,” was published by Sudaraka Tholkage, PhD, alumnus, Qi Zheng, PhD, Associate Professor, and Karunarathna B. Kulasekera, PhD, Chair. The team developed a generalized conditional Kaplan–Meier (KM) estimator and bandwidth selection to analyze time-to-event data in the presence of functional predictors. The authors illustrate the practical use of this approach through a case study on Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Data. Read more

Demetra Antimisiaris, PharmD, BCGP, FASCP, Associate Professor, Dept. of Health Management and Systems Sciences, published "Polypharmacy Interactions Impacting Methacholine Challenge Testing for Asthma Assessment in Older People" in The Senior Care Pharmacist with colleagues.  Drs. Rodney Folz, Rodrigo Cavallazzi, and Barbara Polivka. Researchers investigated potential reasons for unusually high incidence of negative Methacholine Challenge Tests (MCT), following standardized MCT medication-hold protocol, in older people with physician-diagnosed asthma. They concluded medications not accounted for in medication-hold protocols, and concurrently in use, may impact clinical tests and outcomes. Dr. Antimisiaris also directs the Frazier Polypharmacy Program at UofL. Read more

A collaboration between J’Aime Jennings, PhD, Associate Professor, Dept. of Health Management and Systems Sciences, and colleagues in the UofL College of Education and Human Development, has been recognized by the Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD) at the 2023 AHRD International Research Conference. Their paper, “Employee Engagement with Corporate Based Health and Wellness Programs: A Multisite, Multivariate Regression Analysis,” investigated employee engagement in wellness programs to understand the culture, benefits, and challenges around these programs. The manuscript was selected as one of two recipients for the AHRD Excellence in Scholarly Practice Award, which is given for excellence in scholarly application of Human Resource Development theory and research to practice. The team consisted of Dr. Jennings, Drs. Brad Shuck and Jason Immekus, faculty in the College of Education & Human Development (CEHD), and Clayton Duffy, CEHD doctoral candidate and research assistant, who was the paper’s first author.

David Johnson, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Health Management and Systems Sciences is part of a panel discussion on the political ecology of resource struggles at the Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio. His presentation, “Empowered by the Sun: Exploring the Intersections of Housing Justice and Green Technologies in Louisville, KY,” focuses on a collaborative research project that aims to understand the intersection of green energy technologies and anti-displacement housing strategies. Results will inform future investment in solar technologies for low-to-moderate income households to promote an equitable distribution and utilization of sustainable energy and housing justice.

Islamiat Oladipupo, PhD, MPH, a two-time graduate of the Dept. of Epidemiology and Population Health (DEPH), was lead author on an article published in PLOS ONE titled, “Association between cigarette smoking and ovarian reserve among women seeking fertility care.” This study examined the association of smoking with ovarian reserve in a cross-sectional study of 207 women enrolled in the Louisville Tobacco Smoke Exposure, Genetic Susceptibility, and Infertility (LOUSSI) Study. The team found current smoking status was not significantly associated with diminished ovarian reserve. However, other results and trends observed in this study were consistent with the hypothesis that heavy smoking, or smoking for a long duration, may decrease ovarian reserve. Coauthors included DEPH faculty, T’shura Ali, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor and alumna, and Kira Taylor, PhD, MS, Associate Professor; DEPH alumni Sashia Torres, MPH, and Emily Reece, PhD, MS; and UofL School of Medicine colleagues: David W. Hein, Kelly Pagidas, Henry Bohler, Mark A. Doll, Merry Lynn Mann, Adrienne Gentry, Jasmine L. Chiang, and Rebecca C. Pierson. Read more

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