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KB Kulasekera, PhD
Bioinformatics and Biostatistics
Interim Associate Dean for Research
Chair and Professor
485 E. Gray St., Room 139
Louisville, KY 40202
Phone: 502-852-6422
Fax: 502-852-3294
PhD - University of Nebraska (1988) Statistics
MA - University of New Brunswick (1983) Statistics
BS - University of Sri Jayawardenepura (1980) Mathematics and Statistics
I joined the Department of Bioinformatics & Biostatistics in July 2012 as the chair and a tenured full professor. Previously I was a full professor and the graduate coordinator in Mathematical Sciences at Clemson University where I started my career as an assistant professor in 1988. I have published numerous refereed research papers in statistics journals. Some of my research has been supported by the NIH, ONR, NSF and the State University Partnership(SUP) program in KY.
Research Interests
My main research interests are in Survival Analysis, Multivariate Methods and Regression, Nonparametric Inference, Smoothing Methods, Varying Coefficient Models, Variable and Model Selection and Group Testing. Currently I am involved in several projects in group testing and variable/model selection.
Honors and Awards
Fellow of the American Statistical Association
Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute
Applied Nonparametric Statistics in Reliability (2011) by Gamiz, M.L., Kulasekera, K.B., Limnios, N., and Lindqvist, B.H., Springer Series in Reliability Engineering.
Few Selected Publications
K.B Kulasekera and Chathura Siriwardhana (2023), `` Composite Quantile Indexes for Personalized Treatment Selection with Multivariate Outcome Measures", To Appear in Statistics in Medicine.
Sudaraka Tholkage, Qi Zheng and K.B. Kulasekera, (2022), "Conditional Kaplan–Meier Estimator with Functional Covariates for Time-to-Event Data", Stats, 1113-1129 **Cover Page Article in December 2022 Issue**
K.B Kulasekera and Chathura Siriwardhana (2022), ``Quantiles based Personalized Treatment Selection for Multivariate Outcomes and Multiple Treatments", To Appear in Statistics in Medicine.
Yuchen Han, Haojing Huang, Riten Mitra, Huirong Hu, Subhadip Pal, Craig McClain, K.B. Kulasekera1, Maiying Kong (2022), ``Prevalence and Treatment Utilization for Alcohol Use Disorders (AUD) Based on Kentucky Medicaid 2012-2019 Datasets", Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports,
Yuchen Han, Haojing Huang, Riten Mitra, Huirong Hu, Subhadip Pal, Craig McClain, K.B. Kulasekera, Maiying Kong (2022), ``Prevalence and Treatment Utilization of Patients Diagnosed with Depression and Anxiety Disorders Based on Kentucky Medicaid 2012-2019 Datasets", Journal of Depression and Anxiety, Open Access.
Sudaraka Tholkage, Maiying Kong and K.B. Kulasekera, (2022), ``Personalized Treatment Selection using Observational Data", To Appear in The Journal of Applied Statistics.
Chathura Siriwardhana and K.B Kulasekera (2021),``Optimal Personalized Treatment Selection with Multivariate Outcome Measures", Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation.
Chathura Siriwardhana and K.B Kulasekera (2020), ``Mahalanobis type Distance based Personalized Treatment Plans with Multivariate Outcome Measures", Biometrical Journal , 1973-1985.
K.B. Kulasekera and C. Siriwardhana, 2019, ``Multi-response based personalized treatment selection with data from crossover designs for multiple treatments", Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, Published Online: September 2019.
K.B. Kulasekera, Somnath Datta and C. Siriwardhana, 2019, ``Personalized treatment selection with data from crossover designs for multiple treatments with carry over effects", To Appear in Statistics in Medicine. Online: 11/2019
C. Siriwardhana, Somnath Datta, and K.B. Kulasekera, 2019 , ``Selection of the Optimal Personalized Treatment from Multiple Treatments with Multivariate Outcome Measures", To Appear in Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics. Online: 11/2019
Yan, Xiaofang, Abdia, Younathan, Datta, Somnath, Kulasekera, KB, Ugiliweneza, Beatrice, Boakye, Maxwell, and Kong, Maiying (2018) ``Estimation of Average Treatment Effects Among Multiple Treatment Groups by Using an Ensemble Approach", Statistics in Medicine, Online version April 2019.
Chathura Siriwardhana, K.B Kulasekera and Somnath Datta, 2018, ``Semi-parametric Regression of State Occupational Probability in a Multi-state Model with Right-censored Data", Lifetime Data Analysis, 24, pp 464-491.
Nichola C. Garbett, Jonathan B. Chaires, Chongkham S, Mekmaysy, Kathy L. Moser, Wael Jarjour, Brad Rovin, K.B. Kulasekera, Guy N. Brock, 2017, ``Characterization and classification of lupus patients based on plasma thermograms", To appear in PLOS ONE.
C. Siriwardhana, Somnath Datta, Meng Zhao and K.B. Kulasekera, 2017, ``Personalized plans with multiple treatments", To appear in Statistical Methods in Medical Research; Jan 1:962280217735701. Epub 2017 Jan 1 .
Younathan Abdia, K.B. Kulasekera, Somnath Datta, Maxwell Boakye and Maiying Kong, 2017, ``Propensity scores based methods for estimating average treatment effect and average treatment effect among treated: A comparative review", Biometrical Journal, 59(5), pp. 967-985
Qi Zheng, K.B. Kulasekera and Colin Gallagher, 2015, “A Hybrid Adaptive LASSO”, Communications in Statistics, 46(9), pp. 4642 - 4659.
Dewei Wang, Colin Gallagher, Chris McMahan, and K.B. Kulasekera, 2014, “Single Index Group Testing Models”, Biometrika, Pages 587-598.
C. Kuruwita, K.B. Kulasekera and Colin Gallagher, 2014, “Testing Equality of Nonparametric Quantile Regression Functions”, International Journal of Statistics and Probability, Pages 55-66.
Qi Zheng, K.B. Kulasekera and Colin Gallagher, 2013, "Adaptively weighted kernel regression", The Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, Pages 855 - 872.
Qi Zheng, K.B. Kulasekera and Colin Gallagher, 2013, "Adaptive penalized quantile regression for high dimensional data", Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Volume 143, Issue 6, Pages 1029–1038.
June Luo and K.B Kulasekera, 2013, “Error covariance matrix estimation using ridge estimator”, Statistics & Probability Letters, Volume 83, Issue 1, Pages 257–264
Dewei Wang, Haiming Zhou and K.B. Kulasekera, 2012, "A semi-local likelihood regression estimator of the proportion based on group testing data", Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, Volume 25, Issue 1, Pages 209-221
Dewei Wang and K.B. Kulasekera, 2012, “Parametric component detection and variable selection in varying-coefficient partially linear models”, The Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Volume 112, Pages 117-129.
C. Kuruwita, K.B. Kulasekera and Colin Gallagher, 2011, ``Varying Coefficient Model with Unknown Link", Biometrika, Vol 98, pp 701-710.
K.B. Kulasekera and Lin Wei , 2010, ``Variance Estimation in Single Index Models", Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, Vol 52, pp 201-219.
K.B. Kulasekera, Colin Gallagher and Qi Zheng, 2010, ``Local Adaptive Smoothing in Kernel Regression Estimation", Statistics & Probability Letters, Vol 10, pp 540-547.
K.B. Kulasekera and Lin Wei , 2010, ``Testing the Equality of Two Single Index Models", {\em The Journal of Multivariate Analysis} , Vol 101 , pp 1156-1167.
Kuruwita, C.N., Kulasekera, K.B. and, Padgett, W.J. , 2010, ``On Boundary Bias and Bandwidth Selection in Density Estimation with Censored Data", The Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol 140, pp 1765-1774.
K.B. Kulasekera and Meng Zhao, 2009, ``Minimax Risk of Linear Functionals under $L_{2}$ Loss", Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol 139, pp 3160-3176.
K.B. Kulasekera and Meng Zhao, 2008, ``A Pointwise Bayes Type Estimator of The Survival Probability with Censored Data", Statistics & Probability Letters, Vol 78, pp 2597-2063.
Lin, Wei and K.B. Kulasekera, 2007, ``Uniqueness of a Single Index Model ", Biometrika, Vol 94, pp 496-501.