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Forging and deepening international relationships
Chinese students learn about public health in the United States
Mayor’s forum on possible e-cigarette, hookah ban features two University of Louisville researchers
Contributing to healthy lives
Diana Kuo, 2016-17 Health and Social Justice Scholar from the UofL School of Public Health and Information Sciences
Nationally-recognized pulmonary physician, epidemiologist discussed tobacco and health
University of Southern California’s Jonathan Samet, M.D., M.S., delivered the inaugural Woodson Lecture
Concern and passion captured in West Louisville Photovoice exhibit
UofL Office of Public Health Practice leads Photovoice project on display at the Kentucky Center for African American Heritage
Department of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics embarks on Master of Science collaboration with South African university
Alumna honored for compassionate care
Office of Public Health Practice presents at an international conference on justice
HIV disparities researcher selected for competitive mentorship program
Faculty named assistant editor of health policy section for top anesthesiology journal
Research leaders collaborate to improve population health and policy
Commonwealth Institute of Kentucky names inaugural scholars
HSC doctoral students called to address social justice
Health and Social Justice Scholars will learn methods for improving health equity in disadvantaged communities
Heroin and prescription opioid abuse in Louisville focus of conversation, training
Event is part of National Public Health Week, April 4-10
Mayor Fischer Names New Health Director
Dean signs letter urging for prevention in new cancer initiative
Health insurance, LGBT health disparities and health-related needs assessment all part of the latest Commonwealth Institute efforts
More of Kentucky’s low-income adults enrolled in health coverage under the Affordable Care Act
University of Louisville study supports other national findings