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Wei Fu, PhD

J'Aime Jennings imageHealth Management and Systems Sciences
Assistant Professor
485 E. Gray St., Room 105
Louisville, KY 40202
Office hours by appointment




Dr. Fu obtained his PhD in Economics from Lehigh University in 2020 and was a post-doc fellow in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania prior to joining the Department of Health Management and Systems Sciences at the University of Louisville.

Dr. Fu’s research is in applied econometrics, health economics, and health policy evaluations. Specifically, his research aims to assess the effects of public policies, such as unemployment insurance, food stamp programs, and vaccination policies, on individual health behavior and labor market outcomes, with a substantive focus on disadvantaged populations, health policy evaluations and causal inferences.

Dr. Fu’s personal website: https://www.fu-wei.net/


Dave, Dhaval, Wei Fu, and Muzhe Yang. "Mental Distress Among Female Individuals of Reproductive Age and Reported Barriers to Legal Abortion Following the US Supreme Court Decision to Overturn Roe v Wade." JAMA Network Open 6, no. 3 (2023): e234509-e234509.

Clark, Kaylyn, Wei Fu, Chia-Lun Lu, Pei-Chuan Ho, Hui Wang, Wan-Ping Lee, Shin-Yi Chou, Li-San Wang, and Jung-Ying Tzeng. "The Prediction of Alzheimer's Disease through Multi-Trait Genetic Modeling." Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 15: 1168638.

Fu, Wei, Chen Huang, and Feng Liu. "Unemployment benefits, food insecurity, and supplemental nutrition assistance program spending." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 105, no. 2 (2023): 479-502.

Fu, Wei, and Feng Liu. "Unemployment insurance and cigarette smoking." Journal of health economics 63 (2019): 34-51.

Kuksa, Pavel P., Chia-Lun Liu, Wei Fu, Liming Qu, Yi Zhao, Zivadin Katanic, Amanda B. Kuzma et al. "Alzheimer’s disease variant portal (ADVP): a catalog of genetic findings for Alzheimer’s disease." MedRxiv (2020): 2020-09.

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