Stephanie D. Boone, PhD, MPH

Stephanie Boone

Department of Epidemiology and Population Health
Brown Cancer Center
Associate Professor
485 E. Gray Street, Room 222
Louisville, KY 40202
Phone: 502-852-2257
Fax: 502-852-3291
Office Hours: By appointment



Stephanie D. Boone, PhD, MPH, is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Population Health and Brown Cancer Center.  As a Cancer Epidemiologist, her broad research interests include determinants of health disparities along the cancer continuum (screening, early detection, risk, survival, and survivorship).  Her focus will include how to best integrate multidisciplinary knowledge to benefit population health, specifically in Kentucky, which ranks first in the nation for cancer incidence and mortality.

Stephanie earned her BS in Biology from Spalding University in 2006 and a MPH from UofL in 2008.  She was awarded her PhD in Public Health-Epidemiology from UofL in 2013.  As a doctoral student she served as the coordinator of a population-based cancer case-control study and her dissertation focused on ethnic-related differences in genetic susceptibility to breast cancer.  She began her postdoctoral fellowship through the Brown Cancer Center at UofL in 2013 where her research focused on health disparities in cancer risk and mortality resulting from the complex interplay of tumor heterogeneity, behavioral factors and biological pathways that influence differences across diverse population groups.  Additionally, she has taught Emerging Issues in Epidemiology and given several guest lectures on specialty topics related to Cancer Epidemiology.  Stephanie is an active member of the American College of Epidemiology and serves as a member of the publications committee.

Research Interests

Cancer Epidemiology (biological and behavioral risk factors and outcomes)

Epidemiologic Methods (study design)

Health disparities in cancer epidemiology

Identification of biological factors/pathways related to cancer tumor subtypes, risk, and survival

Identification of high-risk populations

Evaluation of associations between factors related to long-term quality of life and cancer

Honors & Awards

2015 Research! Louisville, University of Louisville, Public Health Research & Practice, 1st Pl

2014 Research! Louisville, University of Louisville, Public Health Research & Practice, 1st Pl

2013 American College of Epidemiology Associate Member Travel Award, Abstract 1st place

2013 Dean’s Citation Award, University of Louisville

2010-2013 Susan B. Komen, Dissertation Training Grant Recipient


Book Chapter

Contributor to book chapter publication, “The Health Consequences of Smoking—50 Years of Progress: A Report of the Surgeon General, 2014”  Release Date, January 2014. [Breast Cancer, Chapter 6].  Baumgartner KB (UofL), Baumgartner RN (UofL), Boone, SD (UofL) Visvanathan, K (Johns Hopkins), Yang D (UofL). 

Journal Articles

Boone, S. D., Pinkston, C. M., Baumgartner, K. B., Baumgartner, R. N., Harper, S. M., Bonham, A. J., Paynter, C.A., Harper, D. M. (2016). Associations between prior HPV4 vaccine doses and cervical cancer screening participation. Cancer Epidemiol, 42, 108-114.

Connor, A. E., Visvanathan, K., Baumgartner, K. B., Baumgartner, R. N., Boone, S. D., Hines, L. M., Wolff, R. K., John E. M., Slattery, M. L. (2016). Ethnic differences in the relationships between diabetes, early age adiposity and mortality among breast cancer survivors: the Breast Cancer Health Disparities Study. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 157(1), 167-178.

Kim AE, Lundgreen A, Wolff RK, Fejerman L, John EM, Torres-Mejia G, Ingles SA, Boone SD, Connor AE, Hines LM, Baumgartner KB, Giuliano A, Joshi AD, Slattery ML, Stern MC. Red meat, poultry, and fish intake and breast cancer risk among Hispanic and Non-Hispanic white women: The Breast Cancer Health Disparities Study. Cancer Causes Control. 2016; 27(4).

Connor AE, Baumgartner KB, Baumgartner RN, Pinkston CM, Boone SD, John EM, Torres-Mejia G, Hines LM, Giuliano AR, Wolff RK, Slattery ML. Cigarette Smoking and Breast Cancer Risk in Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White Women: The Breast Cancer Health Disparities Study. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2016; 25(3):299-310.

Boone SD, Baumgartner KB, Baumgartner RN, Connor AE, John EM, Giuliano AR, et al. Active and passive cigarette smoking and mortality among Hispanic and non-Hispanic white women diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. Ann Epidemiol. 2015; 25(11):824-31.

Connor AE, Baumgartner RN, Pinkston CM, Boone SD, Baumgartner KB. (2015)  “Obesity, Ethnicity, and Quality of Life among Breast Cancer Survivors and Women without Breast Cancer: the Long-Term Quality of Life Follow-up Study”.  Cancer Causes and Control: 27(1):115-24.

Connor, A. E., R. N. Baumgartner, K. B. Baumgartner, C. M. Pinkston, S. D. Boone, E. M. John, G. T. Mejia, L. M. Hines, A. R. Giuliano, R. K. Wolff and M. L. Slattery (2015). "Associations between ALOX, COX, and CRP polymorphisms and breast cancer among Hispanic and non-Hispanic white women: The breast cancer health disparities study." Mol Carcinog 54(12): 1541-1553.

Pinkston CM, Baumgartner RN, Connor AE, Boone SD, Baumgartner KB. Physical activity and survival among Hispanic and non-Hispanic white long-term breast cancer survivors and population-based controls. J Cancer Surviv. 2015;9(4):650-9.

Boone, S. D., K. B. Baumgartner, R. N. Baumgartner, A. E. Connor, C. M. Pinkston, S. N. Rai, E. C. Riley, L. M. Hines, A. R. Giuliano, E. M. John, M. C. Stern, G. Torres-Mejia, R. K. Wolff and M. L. Slattery (2014). "Associations between CYP19A1 polymorphisms, Native American ancestry, and breast cancer risk and mortality: the Breast Cancer Health Disparities Study." Cancer Causes Control 25(11): 1461-1471.

Boone SD, Baumgartner KB, Baumgartner RN, Connor AE, Pinkston CM, John EM, Hines LM, Stern MC, Giuliano AR, Torres-Mejia G, Brock GN, Groves FD, Kerber RA, Wolff RK, Slattery ML. (2013)  “Associations between genetic variants in the TGF-beta signaling pathway and breast cancer risk among Hispanic and non-Hispanic white women.” Breast Cancer Res Treat 141 (2):287-297.

Boone, S. D., K. B. Baumgartner, N. E. Joste, C. M. Pinkston, D. Yang and R. N. Baumgartner (2013). "The joint contribution of tumor phenotype and education to breast cancer survival disparity between Hispanic and non-Hispanic white women." Cancer Causes Control 25(3): 273-282.

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