When Oct 11, 2024
from 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM
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Discover, Experience, Apply and Learn (DEAL) Day is an experiential learning opportunity for students to explore different facets of the public health system and learn about public health careers through participation in a Hepatitis A outbreak investigation. This learning opportunity is offered in collaboration with the Kentucky Department for Public Health and the local health department. The mock investigation is based on the 2016 Hepatitis A outbreak that impacted Kentucky and surrounding states. The following public health areas will be highlighted:

Alternate Care Site Demonstration

  • This session highlights the Kentucky Department for Public Health’s Alternate Care Site to provide medical care during emergencies. Students will learn about emergency preparedness and response and the role public health plays in disease outbreaks such as Hepatitis A.

Kentucky State Public Health Laboratory: Sample Collection and Packaging

  • Staff from the Kentucky State Public Health Laboratory will share the roles and responsibilities of the laboratory during disease outbreaks. Students will learn how laboratory staff safely collect, handle and test specimens and how results are shared and utilized.  

Environmental Health: Inspections and Investigations

  • During the 2016 Hepatitis A outbreak, restaurants and other service industries were majorly impacted. Students will learn how restaurants, food manufacturing plants and other industries were inspected to ensure public safety and to prevent the spread of disease.

Epidemiology Investigation

  • Epidemiologists are the disease detectives of the public health world. In this outbreak scenario, students will learn how epidemiologists identify, track and respond to Hepatitis A cases. 

KDPH Mobile Harm Reduction Unit

  • Un-housed and incarcerated populations, and individuals with substance-use disorders were among those most highly impacted by the 2016 Hepatitis A outbreak. To combat further spread of Hepatitis A, the Kentucky Department for Public Health’s Mobile Harm Reduction Unit was deployed to provide harm reduction education and to distribute Naloxone. During this session, students will learn about these efforts and receive training on Naloxone administration.

DEAL Day will be at the University of Louisville in collaboration with the School of Public Health & Information Sciences on Friday, October 11, 2024 in the Student Activities Center (SAC) Multi-purpose Room.  Sessions will be held from 8:00 a.m. – noon and noon – 4:00 p.m.  You must register to participate, and each session is limited to 80 students.  Spend the day learning about the exciting field of public health!

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