Sept. 16 - Virtual Reality for Biomedical Sciences

R!L virtual reality for biomedical sciences event
When Sep 16, 2024
from 01:00 PM to 03:00 PM
Where K4KCTRB 101/102
Contact Name
Attendees Educators (instructors), staff, and trainees interested in learning about VR for Health Professions or basic education
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R!L: "Virtual Reality for Biomedical Sciences" workshop conducted by:

 Dr. Daniela Terson de Paleville is a Professor in the Department of Physiology at the University of Louisville School of Medicine. She serves as the Thread Director for Physiology in the School of Dentistry Integrated Biosciences I, II, and III (BMSC 804, 805, and 809). She teaches Neurophysiology, Respiratory, and Acid-Base Physiology. Additionally, she is the course director of a course called 'Physiological Adaptations to Exercise, Immobility, and Inactivity. Dr. Terson de Paleville enjoys sharing her research expertise and background to mentor graduate and professional students.

Dr. Terson de Paleville's research is focused on two main areas: spinal cord injury rehabilitation and active learning of physiology. Her most recent research project explored the effects of biofeedback on the autonomic nervous system in people with chronic cervical spinal cord injuries and healthy, non-injured individuals. Currently, her primary area of research includes incorporating active learning and emerging technologies, such as Virtual Reality and telemetric technologies in the classroom. These technologies are not just tools; they are a means to increase inclusion in the classroom.

Dr. Terson de Paleville is deeply committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion. She holds the position of director of community-engaged initiatives in the Department of Physiology. She takes pride in merging her research, teaching, and community-engaged activities as complementary, not compartmentalized, areas of scholarship.

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