Upcoming meetings:
The University of Louisville Athletic Association, Inc., (ULAA) is a non-profit corporation that has control of the intercollegiate athletics program at the university. It’s board of directors has the authority to:
- Adopt and enforce the necessary rules and regulations governing all questions pertaining to the eligibility of players, intercollegiate relations, and membership in associations of universities and colleges organized for the regulation of athletics;
- Be responsible for the business management of all activities;
- Recommend the employment by the University of Louisville of the Vice President for Athletics, and the Associate Athletic Director(s), and delegate authority to the Athletic Director for the Corporation to hire other persons necessary for carrying out the purposes of ULAA;
- Schedule, hold and conduct amateur athletic exhibitions, games and contests, make same open and accessible to the general community, and to establish ticket prices and receive admission fees for these events;
- Conduct, receive, and accept donations by gift or trust, and to acquire in any other legal manner monies and properties for investment purposes;
- Borrow money, guarantee debts, and give its notes or other obligations therefore and to secure payment thereof by pledging, assigning or mortgaging any property it may own;
- Market and promote University of Louisville intercollegiate athletic activities;
- Establish programs and enforce rulings in compliance with all pertinent federal and state laws and regulations including Title IX, National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) governance, and Atlantic Coast Conference policies consistent with the goals approved by the Board of Trustees of the University for intercollegiate athletics; and
- Engage in any other lawful acts necessary to carry out the objectives and purpose of the corporation.
The governance of the Corporation shall be vested in a Board of Directors composed of:
- Nine members of the faculty - including the Faculty Athletic Representative to the NCAA (FAR) - to be appointed by the President, six of whom are elected from the Faculty Assembly, and two appointed by the President from a slate of at least three nominees for each seat provided by the Faculty Senate;
- Four administrators appointed by the President;
- Two trustees, appointed by the Chair of the Board of Trustees for one year terms;
- Two full-time members of the University of Louisville student body, to be appointment for terms of one year by the President of the University from the nominations provided by the UofL Student Government Association;
- One full-time staff member, to be appointed by the President for a one-year term from the nomination provided by the UofL Staff Senate;
- Eight persons at-large, appointed by the President from a slate of nominees provided by individuals and interested groups; and
- The President and two Vice Presidents.
Robert’s Rules of Order is included in the bylaws of most UofL Schools, its Board of Trustees and Student, Staff and Faculty Senates. It is now available for instant access from the UofL Library.